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Return of Big Basics (M Manectric EX / Landorus EX / Mewtwo EX / Garbodor)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Manectric EX
    2 M Manectric EX
    2 Landorus EX
    2 Mewtwo EX
    2-2 Garbador
    2 Seismitoad EX

  • 4 Professor Juniper
    4 N
    2 Colress
    2 Lysandre
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    1 Computer Search
    1 Proffesor's Letter
    3 Muscle Band
    2 Manectric Spirit Link
    2 VS Seeker
    3 Float Stone
    2 Virbank City Gym

  • 4 Double Colorless Energy
    4 Lightning Energy
    4 Fighting Energy

Pretty standard Big basics deck aside from Manectric EX and M Manectric EX. Ideally start with Manectric EX or Landorus EX and start to apply early pressure. M Manectric EX and Mewtwo are the big hitters of the deck. Garbador is to shut off abilities.
RE: Return of Big basics

Mega Manectric is useless in this deck because you only use 4 Basic Energy. You might want to get rid of him.
Yeah i thought about just geting rid of the rainbow energy and adding more basic energy. I think I will just get rid of the rainbow because they are really not needed.
I've been thinking about a Manectric / Landorus for like the past month, but I've been way too busy to test it out. I like the idea a lot; it's like Manectric / Black Kyurem that a few people have been talking about, but the Energy cost is easier to do since Landorus can be powered up with Turbo Bolt and a manual attachment. My list was much more focused on Landorus, so I didn't have Mewtwo, Seismitoad, Lasers, Garbodor, or DCE but I had plenty of room for Fighting stuff. It theoretically has a ridiculous mirror match, being able to OHKO both Manectric with Landorus and Yveltal with Manectric. It's not reliant on using M Manectric for Energy acceleration as the Black Kyurem version is because both Manectric and Landorus are good enough on there own. Assault Laser and Hammerhead are always options. Just throwing out my spin on the deck.
Yeah the deck is pretty solid so far, I havent played it that much been busy. But the deck has some explosive turns and not very many people expect Manectric EX to be played with Landorus EX.
At the recent Indy Marathon, 1 player took 2nd place with his Manectric-Fighting deck; so, the "word" has been out for awhile now and has spread.
Mora said:
I've been thinking about a Manectric / Landorus for like the past month, but I've been way too busy to test it out. I like the idea a lot; it's like Manectric / Black Kyurem that a few people have been talking about, but the Energy cost is easier to do since Landorus can be powered up with Turbo Bolt and a manual attachment. My list was much more focused on Landorus, so I didn't have Mewtwo, Seismitoad, Lasers, Garbodor, or DCE but I had plenty of room for Fighting stuff. It theoretically has a ridiculous mirror match, being able to OHKO both Manectric with Landorus and Yveltal with Manectric. It's not reliant on using M Manectric for Energy acceleration as the Black Kyurem version is because both Manectric and Landorus are good enough on there own. Assault Laser and Hammerhead are always options. Just throwing out my spin on the deck.

I'm really interested in this deck for the City/Regionals here, could you please put your list focused on fighting stuff? Does regular Landorus work to deal with safeguarders and accelarate even more?
Ceeelso said:
I'm really interested in this deck for the City/Regionals here, could you please put your list focused on fighting stuff? Does regular Landorus work to deal with safeguarders and accelarate even more?

I'm certainly happy to give you a few steps in the right direction! I'll go ahead and give you my Pokemon line:

  • 2 M Manectric EX
    3 Manectric EX
    2 Landorus
    2 Hawlucha
    1 Terrakion
As you can see, I actually play a Retaliate Terrakion in my list instead of Landorus. I can definitely see the synergy between Manectric and Landorus, and the low retreat cost definitely makes it a good start. But 10 more HP, no Weakness to Seismitoad and Suicune, one of the Safeguarders it's meant to counter, plus a nice resistance to Manectric, and personal preference made me want to try Terrakion before Landorus. I also don't have that card, and while I could probably get is easily, I just haven't gotten around to trying Landorus instead. From my experience with the deck thus far, I haven't run into any problems with Safeguarders, and not for a lack of playing against them. Terrakion is very easy to power up with Strong Volt, and with Muscle Band, you can even OHKO Suicune. Scramble Switch is my Ace Spec, so if you don't want to expose Terrakion to Lysandre while you power it up, you can easily Korrina for it and Scramble Switch. Another card I really like is Hawlucha. Does tons and tons of damage for just one Energy. Very annoying for EX centered decks. I play two of them because Seismitoad is really popular in my area right now to the point where people are teching them into every deck they play, and it's really hard for Seismitoad to OHKO Hawlucha while Hawlucha can still 2HKO Seismitoad even under Item lock, or at least put enough damage for me to finish it off with something else.
Mora said:
Ceeelso said:
I'm really interested in this deck for the City/Regionals here, could you please put your list focused on fighting stuff? Does regular Landorus work to deal with safeguarders and accelarate even more?

I'm certainly happy to give you a few steps in the right direction! I'll go ahead and give you my Pokemon line:

  • 2 M Manectric EX
    3 Manectric EX
    2 Landorus
    2 Hawlucha
    1 Terrakion
As you can see, I actually play a Retaliate Terrakion in my list instead of Landorus. I can definitely see the synergy between Manectric and Landorus, and the low retreat cost definitely makes it a good start. But 10 more HP, no Weakness to Seismitoad and Suicune, one of the Safeguarders it's meant to counter, plus a nice resistance to Manectric, and personal preference made me want to try Terrakion before Landorus. I also don't have that card, and while I could probably get is easily, I just haven't gotten around to trying Landorus instead. From my experience with the deck thus far, I haven't run into any problems with Safeguarders, and not for a lack of playing against them. Terrakion is very easy to power up with Strong Volt, and with Muscle Band, you can even OHKO Suicune. Scramble Switch is my Ace Spec, so if you don't want to expose Terrakion to Lysandre while you power it up, you can easily Korrina for it and Scramble Switch. Another card I really like is Hawlucha. Does tons and tons of damage for just one Energy. Very annoying for EX centered decks. I play two of them because Seismitoad is really popular in my area right now to the point where people are teching them into every deck they play, and it's really hard for Seismitoad to OHKO Hawlucha while Hawlucha can still 2HKO Seismitoad even under Item lock, or at least put enough damage for me to finish it off with something else.

Thanks buddy, nice list, there's a loooooot of donphans and yveltal variants here, i'd cut 1 Manectric EX. There's a list from regionals that used 1-1 Drifblim, I might try it.
Ceeelso said:
Thanks buddy, nice list, there's a loooooot of donphans and yveltal variants here, i'd cut 1 Manectric EX. There's a list from regionals that used 1-1 Drifblim, I might try it.

Yeah right now I'm the only Donphan player in the area. The meta here is mostly Yveltal, but there are a few Manectrics as well. I'l look into the Driftblim line if I can find room for Enhanced Hammers. The only other thing I was thinking about is maybe a Spiritomb cause I feel like the VirGen match up is a tough one, but I haven't actually been able to play against that yet.

Edit: I'd also like to point out that Donphan is a really bad match up anyways. Maybe Seismitoad would help out a bit.