After receiving a lot of feedback, i figured out my best bet for the standard format was Greninja BREAK. I'm not completely sold on it, but I have put together a solid list, if i do become sold on the idea + let's make Greninja BREAK's final rotation in the standard format a good one.
Pokemon- 19
3x Froakie (BKP)
4x Frogadier (BKP/Water Duplicates)
4x Greninja (BKP)
4x Greninja BREAK (BKP)
4x Talonflame STS
Trainers- 33
2x Field Blower (GRI)
3x Rescue Stretcher (GRI)
4x Ultra Ball (SUM)
2x Guzma (BUS)
4x N (FCO)
4x Professor Sycamore (BKP)
3x Choice Band (GRI)
2x Super Rod
2x Fisherman
3x Evosoda
2x Max Potion
2x Lillie
Energy- 8
2x Splash Energy
6x Water Energy
Here I'll list some Matchups, but I'm not going to go to far in depth.
(Un-Favorable) Golisopod GX: First things first, time to talk about pod. This matchup is basically an auto-loss just because of Greninja's weakness to grass, so it's not going to go well, Pod has a slightly speedy-ish set up. Only really needing one pod to start ripping apart whatever you can get in play. The only thing you could even slightly depend on to win this matchup, is A: A pod or two is prized B: Your opponent can't get a pod gx out, or most unlikely C: your opponent pitties you and keeps passing to see if you can at least partially set up to make it a slightly fair match, (I severely doubt that would ever happen. Why did i list it as a possibility I don't know.)
(Favorable) Gardevoir GX: Ahh, Garde. Greninja has a fairly good advantage of Garde, I'll explain. Garde takes a 2-3 turns to set up 2 Gardes' from what I've seen thus far from gameplay and tourney play of the deck. Greninja has the advantage of easily being able to set up fast/ lele-less, where-as Garde needs lele to set up well, Diancie is also a speedy-ish factor for the deck. Garde also depends on Rare candy to set-up, along with what I said earlier Diancie. If Diancie is the starting Pokemon for the opponent the goal would be to knock out out almost immediately as possible because in 2 turns, Diancie can set up one Garde, which is bad news. Knock out Diancie, you're good for the most part, unless they have Rescue Stretcher in hand. If they don't, Greninja is mostly clear. you're hoping by the time you knock out Diancie, your opponent wasn't able to set up a Gardevoir. Now if the best case scenario happens and you're able to set up a Greninja Break before your opponent could set up a Garde, it starts to get really fun. With Giant Water Shuriken, you can start sniping and 1 hit KO'ing Ralts on the bench, and when you set up a Starmie, you can keep fueling Giant Water Shuriken to Tear Apart Ralts/Kirlias. Ralts can be one shot sniped, Kirlia can be 2 shot sniped, Gardevoir can be 2 shot sniped and a midnight slashed with a choice band for a one hit KO. So overall for Greninja this is a very favorable matchup.
(Semi-Un-Favorable) Drampa- Garb: Well, this match can go either way from what I've heard from some of my friends who have played G-BREAK against Drampa Garb. So Drampa Garb is fast to set up so that can be a sour point, 1 energy is all Drampa needs to successfully discard a splash energy from Greninja, which means no resurrecting a Greninja from the active, back to your hand, unless you have both splash energy in your hand in which case... yes Greninja lives to see another day. But at the same time Greninja can tend to rely on items for set up such as Ultra Ball, Strecther, and Field Blower (Non-Essential for set up, more-a-less for disruption) Garb can be easily knocked out unless he knocks you out first. 1 water shuriken and a midnight slash for a garb knockout. Drampa's berserk attack is a huge problem dishing out 150 if you water shurikened a benched Pokemon, so that's ultimately bad-ish news, in the case Greninja BREAK has no damage counters on it, he can survive 1 turn. even if you do manage to knock out a drampa, another Drampa or Garb can come in and punish you either for using too many items, or bench sniping. If you play your cards right and set up fast, you definitely have a chance.
Thank you in advance for feedback!
Pokemon- 19
3x Froakie (BKP)
4x Frogadier (BKP/Water Duplicates)
4x Greninja (BKP)
4x Greninja BREAK (BKP)
4x Talonflame STS
Trainers- 33
2x Field Blower (GRI)
3x Rescue Stretcher (GRI)
4x Ultra Ball (SUM)
2x Guzma (BUS)
4x N (FCO)
4x Professor Sycamore (BKP)
3x Choice Band (GRI)
2x Super Rod
2x Fisherman
3x Evosoda
2x Max Potion
2x Lillie
Energy- 8
2x Splash Energy
6x Water Energy
Here I'll list some Matchups, but I'm not going to go to far in depth.
(Un-Favorable) Golisopod GX: First things first, time to talk about pod. This matchup is basically an auto-loss just because of Greninja's weakness to grass, so it's not going to go well, Pod has a slightly speedy-ish set up. Only really needing one pod to start ripping apart whatever you can get in play. The only thing you could even slightly depend on to win this matchup, is A: A pod or two is prized B: Your opponent can't get a pod gx out, or most unlikely C: your opponent pitties you and keeps passing to see if you can at least partially set up to make it a slightly fair match, (I severely doubt that would ever happen. Why did i list it as a possibility I don't know.)
(Favorable) Gardevoir GX: Ahh, Garde. Greninja has a fairly good advantage of Garde, I'll explain. Garde takes a 2-3 turns to set up 2 Gardes' from what I've seen thus far from gameplay and tourney play of the deck. Greninja has the advantage of easily being able to set up fast/ lele-less, where-as Garde needs lele to set up well, Diancie is also a speedy-ish factor for the deck. Garde also depends on Rare candy to set-up, along with what I said earlier Diancie. If Diancie is the starting Pokemon for the opponent the goal would be to knock out out almost immediately as possible because in 2 turns, Diancie can set up one Garde, which is bad news. Knock out Diancie, you're good for the most part, unless they have Rescue Stretcher in hand. If they don't, Greninja is mostly clear. you're hoping by the time you knock out Diancie, your opponent wasn't able to set up a Gardevoir. Now if the best case scenario happens and you're able to set up a Greninja Break before your opponent could set up a Garde, it starts to get really fun. With Giant Water Shuriken, you can start sniping and 1 hit KO'ing Ralts on the bench, and when you set up a Starmie, you can keep fueling Giant Water Shuriken to Tear Apart Ralts/Kirlias. Ralts can be one shot sniped, Kirlia can be 2 shot sniped, Gardevoir can be 2 shot sniped and a midnight slashed with a choice band for a one hit KO. So overall for Greninja this is a very favorable matchup.
(Semi-Un-Favorable) Drampa- Garb: Well, this match can go either way from what I've heard from some of my friends who have played G-BREAK against Drampa Garb. So Drampa Garb is fast to set up so that can be a sour point, 1 energy is all Drampa needs to successfully discard a splash energy from Greninja, which means no resurrecting a Greninja from the active, back to your hand, unless you have both splash energy in your hand in which case... yes Greninja lives to see another day. But at the same time Greninja can tend to rely on items for set up such as Ultra Ball, Strecther, and Field Blower (Non-Essential for set up, more-a-less for disruption) Garb can be easily knocked out unless he knocks you out first. 1 water shuriken and a midnight slash for a garb knockout. Drampa's berserk attack is a huge problem dishing out 150 if you water shurikened a benched Pokemon, so that's ultimately bad-ish news, in the case Greninja BREAK has no damage counters on it, he can survive 1 turn. even if you do manage to knock out a drampa, another Drampa or Garb can come in and punish you either for using too many items, or bench sniping. If you play your cards right and set up fast, you definitely have a chance.
Thank you in advance for feedback!
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