Reuniclus deck ideas


Vilegar Forever!!!
So today i was looking at reuniclus from B&W and i just couldn't think of something to combo with it. So i want to know if you pokebeach members have any deck ideas for reuniclus, i realize its not the best card, but i want to make a fun deck with it. please leave any feedback about ideas. Thank you :D

EDIT: Please read the Player's Sandbox rules before posting. I added the link. ~EspeonROX.

Reuniclus from Black & White.
Reuniclus works somewhat in DD (Donphan Dragons) by using Earthquake with Donphan, and spreading damage to either of the dragons (Reshiram/Zekrom), and outraging for a nice amount. Otherwise, Reuniclus is more of a rogue option.
Reuniclus and Gothitelle (Emerging Powers) has received a lot of hype pretty recently. You use Gothitelle to attack and block your opponent's Trainers, and Reuniclus to move damage from Gothitelle to your other benched Pokémon. Without PlusPower (which Gothitelle blocks), almost nothing in this format can hit 130 damage (the exceptions being Magnezone, of course, an opposing Gothitelle, and possibly Mew Prime, among other, less popular, cards). You move the damage to a Reshiram or Zekrom on your bench, and you can keep attacking with Gothitelle without getting KO'd. Use Max Potion and Seeker to heal damage, as well as Blissey Prime. It hasn't been tested a whole lot as of now, and I haven't tested it (yet), but some people swear by it. Once it gets set up, it can deal some pain. I believe there's an article on it on one of these forums– it was posted pretty recently.

EDIT: Here's the link to "Mason's Lab #1: Magic Flash-Bang!"– it's in the State of the Game forum.
Best Reuniclus combo is Reuniclus + Max Potion. It works best with Gothitelle as stated above simply because Catcher destroys this thing.
Reuniclus+Vileplume (played similarly to Gothitelle/Vileplume) was featured in the Masters 2nd Place deck.

dmaster out.
Reuniclus is best run with either Gothitelle/Vileplume, since Reuniclus prevents KO's by removing all damage on your attacker. Without Vileplume/Gothitelle, your opponent will be able to drop a PlusPower and get a KO.

EDIT: How did I not mention this. Vileplume/Gothitelle also saves Reuniclus from Catcher.
Reuniclus + Vileplume + blissey is incredibly broken, but incredibly hard to set up. you are going to need to chose the right attacker in order to pull this off. gothitelle/ reuniclus is also hard to set up. in my opinion, reuniclus is best played with pichu or left alone.
A kid at the league I'm going to placed very well at worlds running:

Reuniclus/Blissey Prime/ Donphan/ Dragons.

I have no idea how he gets it set up so fast, but it is amazing.
Donphan's the main attacker, attack with one energy, and it does 10 damage to each of your benched Pokemon. Move the energy around to Dragons with Reuniclus, and use their Outrage, and heal when you want with Blissey Prime. It's really cool, and I got owned by it :)
That sounds a lot like Epic Rogue (the deck that t2ed masters) but without the SEL or Vileplume. Anyway, I'd say you pretty much need Vileplume or Gothitelle to lock the opponent trainers or the opponent will OHKO you with PlusPowers or they will Reversal/Catcher up Reuniclus and kill it.