Review of the Plasma Storm EX's


Wishes Mega Umbreon would exist
Sup guys it's MountainDrew here today to review the EX cards from our newest set Plasma Storm. I will go from 8 (being the worst) to one (being the best.) So lets get this party started
#8 Moltres EX

Alright so Moltres is one of those cards they didnt make a Full Art in this set. Its got a Fire type with 170 hp and a terrible water weakness and a decent fighting resistence. Its got a good retreat cost of only one, but its free with Skyarrow Bridge. Its first attack Destructive Flame cost a fire and a colorless and does 30 damage and the effect is a Crushing Hammer, so a bad attack with a decent effect. The second attack called Power Flame cost 4 energy (2 fire 2 colorless) and does 80 damage, but if you have a plasma energy it does 120. If this card wasnt an EX it would be pretty good since it could counter Klinklang, but its not so theres not much going for Moltres. The best cards it could be used with is probaply Emboar, but I wouldnt go there. IMO keep Moltres in your binder, because its a cool looking card, but not very playable.

#7 White Kyurem EX

This monster has 180 hp and is a dragon type with dragon weakness. Its got a terrible 3 retreat, so people that play this will have to use lots of Switches, Escape Rope etc. Its first attack called Slash does 60 damage for 3 colorless which is nice, because its good enough to knockout ShinyQuaza. Its second attack White Inferno takes 4 energy (1 water 2 fire and a colorless) does 100 damage, but its attack does 10 more damage for each counter on it. It sounds good, but it takes very long to setup and it gets killed by Dragon Types. I would think this guy would be best with Emboar or Victini, but other than that its not a very good card.

#6 Articuno EX

Our very first full art card Articuno EX is one of my favorite cards, but not a very good card in my opinion. Its has 170 hp, a water type, and its got steel weakness and fighting resistence. Articuno has a good retreat of only one, so Skyarrow Bridge will put it down to zero, which is nice. Its first attack for Blizzard for (1 water and 2 colorless) does 60 damage and snipes all of your opponent's benched pokemon for 10. Its a nice attack just to soften things up. Its Frost Prison takes (2 water and 2 colorless) does 80 damage and auto paralyze if a you have a Plasma Energy attached. It sounds really good, but with no Vileplume UD its not that great, because smart players will tech in Keldeo EX or possibly Switch/Escape Rope to counter this. I do like how this can work off of Colress Machine, but the only decks I think this guy will see play is maybe Keldeo/Blastoise,Garbodor, or even with Lugia.

#5 Zapdos EX

I think this guy is the most underrated EX in the set. People have really been bashing him, but I think he has potential. First off just like the other 2 birds he has 170 hp and a fighting resistence. He has the one retreat and 0 with Skyarrow Bridge. The thing that I really like about Zapdos is he has a good weakness of lightning. No one really uses Lightning anymore. I also like how he has fighting resistence, which can really help againest Landorus. For 2 energy lighting and a colorless he does 30 and has a chance to protect himself from an attack. Before catcher came out protecting yourself was really good, but now its mediocre. The second attack does 80, but 40 more if a Plasma Energy is attached. I like this attack, because it One Shots Tornadus EX and Lugia EX. It 2 shots everything else. The only deck I could see this guy being good in is Eels, but I think he could be a monster in eels.

#4 Victini EX

This guy is a fire type and has 110 hp and a water weakness, so far pretty bad card, but the attacks make up for it. First attack cost 1 fire and lets you search your deck for 2 energy and attach them to your bench in anyway you like. Its got one retreat, so Skyarrow gets the job done. I think its good for decks that dont have energy excelleration. Its second attack does 50, but 50 more if the defending pokemon is an EX card. The thing that makes victini really good is his Ace Spec card Victory Piece which allows him to attack with no energy. I really like Victini and I think he could be good in Rayeels, Darkrai, maybe even Keldeo to get a quick Keldeo, and other decks that lack energy excelleration.

#3 Lugia EX

The king of the birds and definitely my favorite pokemon movie. This guy has 180 hp and is colorless with lightning weakness and fighting resistence. He has 2 retreat which isnt bad IMO. I think this guy will see some play at states. The thing that makes Lugia any good is his ability Overflow which lets you take an extra prize when you get a knockout. His attack cost 4 colorless energy and hits for 120, but the downside is you lose one of those Plasma Energy. Lugia will be decent at states, but I think after Thunder Knuckle comes out he will be BDIF with Deoxys and Thundurus. Overall Lugia isnt great now, but next set watch out.

#2 Black Kyurem

This Giant Dragon has 180 hp and is a Dragon type with Dragon weakness. He has 3 retreat which is ok in the decks he will be used in. His first attack does the same thing as his buddy White Kyurem which hits for 60 for 3 colorless. His second attack is the one that makes him which does 200 damage for a Lighting 2 Water and a Colorless. The ability to kill any pokemon is too good. I could definitely see this guy used in Keldeo, but I dont think it will be great in any other decks.

Who will be number one?
This guy


#1 Cobalion EX
A lot of people may disagree with me saying Lugia or Black Kyurem is better, but this is my opinion keep that in mind. Cobalion is a steel type with 180 hp a Fire weakness and a psychic resistence. He has a 2 retreat which isnt too bad IMO. His first attack called Rightous Edge does 30 with an incredible bonus of discarding a special energy. His second attack does 100 damage with no drawbacks. He will definitely be used in Klinklang, but maybe Ho- Oh.

Thanks for reading guys I really appreciate it. Cya later people.
I disagree with your ordering. Cobalion is not some godly EX that is going to be game changing like Mewtwo or Darkrai. Cobalion hits for 100. Period. In the power creep that our format has seen, this card would be ignored if it weren't for PlasmaKlang. The flaws of that deck though are some of the worst offenders as well. No energy acceleration and trainer based retreat. While it is protected against EX's, people are not going to be running straight EX decks anymore, hell people didn't do it last format as popular a sigilyph is. Black Kyurem and Lugia take the number 1 and 2 spots without question. Also Thunderus/Deoxys from what I have heard isn't necessarily Japan's BDIF. I'm not saying its bad, because its very very good, however remember that Tropical Beach costs north of 200$ in Japan, which makes it so few players can play Black Kyurem. Also Zapdos is in now way better than Articuno. I believe that White Kyurem is better than Zapdos as well. Zapdos' attacks are just underwhelming for 2 prizes and I think there are better options in Eels decks. Agility is not a good attack. You would need Fliptini, and on top of that your going to be doing 30 damage per turn. Your opponent will get around that long before you have an opportunity to KO a big EX. With WKEX, he isn't amazing, but hearing from the people that have tested him he is not horrible.
exdarkrai01 said:
I disagree with your ordering. Cobalion is not some godly EX that is going to be game changing like Mewtwo or Darkrai. Cobalion hits for 100. Period. In the power creep that our format has seen, this card would be ignored if it weren't for PlasmaKlang. The flaws of that deck though are some of the worst offenders as well. No energy acceleration and trainer based retreat. While it is protected against EX's, people are not going to be running straight EX decks anymore, hell people didn't do it last format as popular a sigilyph is. Black Kyurem and Lugia take the number 1 and 2 spots without question. Also Thunderus/Deoxys from what I have heard isn't necessarily Japan's BDIF. I'm not saying its bad, because its very very good, however remember that Tropical Beach costs north of 200$ in Japan, which makes it so few players can play Black Kyurem. Also Zapdos is in now way better than Articuno. I believe that White Kyurem is better than Zapdos as well. Zapdos' attacks are just underwhelming for 2 prizes and I think there are better options in Eels decks. Agility is not a good attack. You would need Fliptini, and on top of that your going to be doing 30 damage per turn. Your opponent will get around that long before you have an opportunity to KO a big EX. With WKEX, he isn't amazing, but hearing from the people that have tested him he is not horrible.

Like I said this is just my opinion, and what have people been using White Kyurem EX with?
Well while Cobalion avoids any effects to prevent it from attacking such as Sigilyph's Ability if it were to face Black Kyurem EX, depending on how fast energies can come out, Black Kyurem EX outshines it as Cobalion EX cannot discard any basic energies Black Kyurem EX will be using, so it just laughs at that attack. Steel Bullet will 2 shot it so Black Kyurem has only 1 turn to get the energies it needs to OHKO Cobalion.

Otherwise Cobalion is a great counter against Lugia EX to block him from attacking and removing DCE or Blend Energies and if he can ignore defenses, that's pretty good.

Well I mean I THINK Steel Bullet isn't affected by abilities right?
Oooh so it does go through! Shame it will not get bonuses from hitting weaknesses not that many pokemon are weak to metal though.

And while Cobalion can discard a special Plasma Energy there is a possibility the other player can use a Colress Machine if he has it in his hand to get a new one from the deck and attach it immediately.. Don't know if there's a card to actually get special energies from the discard pile though.
I mostly agree with the list, but I think WKEX is underrated. It's capiable of doing some huge damage. But my overall opinion,

Cobalion/Lugia/Black Kyurem are the best EXs of the set.

Articuno and WK are in the middle.

Victini I'm undecided about. The HP sucks, but it is one of the better energy accelerators out there. I've actually seen it in action and it's amazing first turn. Not many other pokemon can accelerate energy that fast.

Zapdos and Moltres are not good at all. I haven't seen them in action so I might be missing something, but unless you have a plasma energy, you're only doing 80 for 4 energy. I just can't see eels decks having the room for a plasma energy engine so by those merits, you'd be better off sticking to the next destinies Zapdos. Less HP, but it's not an EX and can snipe.

As for Cobalion, I think it's pretty good, maybe not number one, but in the top 3 for sure. It doesn't do anything amazing, but is does a combination of things to make it useful in many situations.
I really appreciate you guys commenting on this, but do you guys have any suggestions as to how I can make these articles better and more efficient, because I will probaply make more in the future.
Nah you're doing fine, but we're giving insight on the possibilities of any problems these cards may face. Perhaps critic the cards more if you can think of any problems the card can run into.

I agree Victini EX is good for early turn Energy Acceleration but for 2 prizes it's such a heavy risk and it only has 110 HP. At least you don't have to wait for Stage 2 pokemon to accelerate. It's great with Victory Piece but I think you want to save your one Ace Spec spot for a better one but if you feel confident to lay the smack down in 2 shots on EX's that are lacking the energy it can help since attacks will be free and most EX's need at least 2-4 energies to do 50-120.

I'm just offering ideas you can integrate into your reviews!