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Standard Revised Jolteon-EX/Glaceon-EX Lock Deck

President Pokemon

Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16
2x Mew-EX Promo
2x Porygon
2x Manaphy-EX
3x Jolteon-EX
3x Glaceon-EX
2x Magearna-EX
2x Tapu Lele-GX

Stadium: 4
4x Aether Paradise Conservation Area

Supporter: 16
4x N
2x Brock's Grit
4x Professor Sycamore
4x Professor Kukui
2x Pokemon Center Lady

Tool: 4
4x Fighting Fury Belt

Item: 6
2x Switch
4x Ultra Ball

Energy: 14
4x Double Colorless Energy
4x Rainbow
2x Lightning
2x Metal
2x Water
What is Porygon for?

I would say no metal energy and putting in more consistency cards like trainers mail and VS seeker. Take out at least 2 Kukui, 1 Center Lady, take out 1 switch and a fury belt for 2 float stone. You probably only need 1 Magearna EX as well. Instead of Alolan Vulpix, maybe nest ball for more speed.
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