Ok this deck will probably be a fun deck but could be somewhat competitve
Ok the strategy behind this deck is to get as much damage on the opponents pokemon as possible. The ideal starter's would be Landorus EX or Spinda from primal clash. Landorus EX can get some damage spread out and spinda does 10 damage to all opennents pokemon. Then get Rhyperior's set up as well as Dusknoir. Rhyperior's first attack Rock Shower has you flip three coins and for each heads do 30 damage to each of your oppenents pokemon in my opinnion it is a ok attack. Use dusknoir to move damage around to take out as many pokemon as you can in a turn.
3-1-3 Rhyperior (Primal Clash) Not the anciant trait one
2-1-2 Dusknoir (BCR)
3 Landorus EX
2 Landorus
4 Professor Juniper
4 N
3 Korrina
2 Pokemon Fan Club
1 Lysandre
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
2 Ultra Ball
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
1 Professor's Letters
1 Dowsing Machine
3 Fighting Stadium
1 Startling Megaphone
1 Tool Retriever
2 VS Seeker
2 Scorched Earth
10 Fighting Energy
Ok the strategy behind this deck is to get as much damage on the opponents pokemon as possible. The ideal starter's would be Landorus EX or Spinda from primal clash. Landorus EX can get some damage spread out and spinda does 10 damage to all opennents pokemon. Then get Rhyperior's set up as well as Dusknoir. Rhyperior's first attack Rock Shower has you flip three coins and for each heads do 30 damage to each of your oppenents pokemon in my opinnion it is a ok attack. Use dusknoir to move damage around to take out as many pokemon as you can in a turn.