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Standard Riotous Invasion (Lucario GX / Carbink Break / Diancie Prism Star)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar


Pokémon (16):
  • 1 Diancie Prism Star (enable)
  • 2 Carbink Break (accelerate)
  • 3 Carbink XY10 (evolution)
  • 1 Sudowoodo (beatdown)
  • 3 Lucario GX (beatdown)
  • 4 Riolu SM5+ (evolution)
  • 2 Tapu Lele GX (search)
Trainer (32):
  • 4 Professor Sycamore (draw)
  • 1 Brigette (search)
  • 3 Guzma (control)
  • 3 Cynthia (draw)
  • 3 N (draw)
  • 1 Rescue Stretcher (retrieval)
  • 3 Choice Band (beatdown)
  • 2 Field Blower (discard)
  • 2 Float Stone (retreat)
  • 2 Evosoda (evolution)
  • 4 Ultra Ball (search)
  • 4 Scorched Earth (draw)
Energy (12):
  • 8 Fighting Energy
  • 4 Strong Energy


Start with Riolu and set up with Brigette. Bench Carbink and Riolu and start to evolve into Lucario GX and Carbink Break before attacking. Draw with Scorched Earth and discard basic energies to be accelerated onto Lucario GX with Carbink Break. Sudowoodo acts as a decent non-GX attacker who can mimic the opponent's attacks to achieve knock outs while Diancie Prism Star enables Lucario GX to hit number with his first and second attack.


Lucario GX
Stage 1 Fighting Pokémon - evolves from Riolu
HP: 210
[F] Aura Strike: 30+
If this Pokémon evolved from Riolu during this turn, this attack does 90 more damage.
[F][F][C] Cyclone Kick: 130
[C][C] Cantankerous Beatdown GX: 30x
This attack does 30 damage for each damage counter on this Pokémon.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: P

Diancie Prism Star
Basic Fighting Pokémon
HP 120
Ability: Princess Veil
If this Pokémon is on your bench, your Fighting Pokémon’s attacks do 20 more damage to your opponent’s active Pokémon.
[F][F][F] Diamond Rain: 90
Heal 30 damage from each of your benched Pokémon.
Retreat Cost: CC
Weakness: G
Nice list. I see the strategy behind it, but wouldn't it be easier to just play Lucario with Zoroark? It ups your consistency a lot and can get you Aura strike every turn. Also shocked to see you don't play ANY Acerola, as it is the easiest method of devolving and re-evolving to keep hitting the Aura strikes. And 1 brigette? If your strategy is to start by setting up with brigette, you might want to play more than 1. I think I posted a Zoroark/Lucario deck a few days ago you can take a look at if you want. I see what you're trying to do, but this isn't the easiest way to do it in my opinion.
Nice list. I see the strategy behind it, but wouldn't it be easier to just play Lucario with Zoroark? It ups your consistency a lot and can get you Aura strike every turn. Also shocked to see you don't play ANY Acerola, as it is the easiest method of devolving and re-evolving to keep hitting the Aura strikes. And 1 brigette? If your strategy is to start by setting up with brigette, you might want to play more than 1. I think I posted a Zoroark/Lucario deck a few days ago you can take a look at if you want. I see what you're trying to do, but this isn't the easiest way to do it in my opinion.

Hi Chicken Nugget Master,

Persoanlly I believe that Zoroark Lucario is mainly a worse version of Zoroark Golisopod if you are not able to hit for weakness with Lucario. Given the increase of decks that can hit for 210 damage I do not believe that Lucario GX is tanky enough to get value from Acerola. For this reason the present deck also focuses less on the first attack and more on the second attack, which can be powered up with ease using Carbink Break and Scorched Earth. Scorched Earth is also similar to Zoroark but is more specific in what can be discarded. Nevertheless it is added consistency in addition to the stable draw engine used in this deck. The benefit of Lucario GX in this deck is the damage boost he recieves from Diancie Prism Star and Strong Energy, which allows him to hit numbers and be less vulnerable to mimicry attacks (e.g. Mimikyu, Sudowoodo etc.). The benefit Lucario Gx has over laternatives such as Buzzwole GX is that his first attack allows him to hit relevant numbers sooner. This implies that the deck may be a little more aggressive than Buzzwole GX variant but I did not have the chance to test this assumption thus far.