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Rise of the Eevolutions? (Leafeon / Vaporeon / Espeon / Thundurus EX / Deoxys EX)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 2 Thundurus EX
    2 Deoxys EX
    4 Eevee Energy Evolution
    2 Leafeon
    1 Espeon
    1 Vaporeon
    1 Kyurem Team Plasma

  • 3 Colress machine
    1 Computer Search
    1 Energy Retrieval
    4 Hypnotoxic Laser
    2 Switch
    2 Team Plasma Ball
    2 Ultra Ball
    1 Bianca
    2 Colress
    3 N
    2 Lysandre
    1 Pokemon Fan Club
    3 Professor Juniper
    3 Virbank City Gym
    3 Muscle Band

  • 4 Plasma
    4 Rainbow
    3 Psychic
    3 Water

The strategy is to start placing energies on your eevies and start evolving them, within the process you start benching Deoxsy EX , there is 1 Kyurem just because he can hit heavy damage, the strategy is pretty straight forward manipulate weaknesses and obviously try to avoid having your Eeevee/Evolved eevees killed off, so within the process you will want to start attaching muscle bands or silver bangles to power them up. Considering you only have so many Eevee's Sacred ash may be useful, I can't really decide upon that. So basically you want to ensure that your evolved Eevee's have a supporting attacker 1 being deoxsy, secondary attacker Kyurem, a form of self retreat/healing and or energy acceleration. Besides that I think the strategy should be pretty straight forward from what I have posted.

Ideally I don't really want Thundurus at all but he is the only form of energy acceleration for Team Plasma. I'm trying to find room for more Eevolution lines, whats problematic is the fact that the more you add the more you mulligan, so I need more basics. I was considering training center for added hp. The Rainbow energy I ideally don't want but I feel that a certain ammount should be in here for Deoxsy. I would like to add atleast 1 flareon for near end game, I've been testing the idea for awhile it just lacks consistency and well needed counters.

thanks in advance.

Edited to coincide with the rules! :D ~Kecleon
This is the best Eeveelution deck to date IMO. I used this exact copy to great effect. You might like it - http://thetopcut.net/2013/10/31/pokemon-tcg-deck-breakdown-pookas-flareon/
The thing is allot of those cards are going to be rotated out in standard format, this is meant to be use in BCR-ON.
Firstly, you don't need Energy Retrievals. Thundarus EX does that for you. The problem with any Eeveelution decks is their low power. So you'll need to boost it with either Deoxys or Items. Assuming the Leafeon is from Furious Fists, then here's what I change.

-1 Energy Retrieval. Thundarus EX does this anyway.
-1 Bianca. It's a horrible Supporter and there are better options out there.
-2 Switch. This deck is about speed and you'll need it against a lot of the decks as you can't hit hard enough.
-4 Rainbow. Not needed and the extra damage will hurt your deck a lot.
-1 Eevee. Eevee should only be used when we're facing Pyroar.
-2 Leafeon. This Leafeon sucks. And sleep can be negated through VirGen, flip and as well as Rush In.
-1 Vaporeon. The Team Plasma one isn't that great for free retreat. You need more better options.
-1 Espeon. As above. You need better attackers.
-1 Pokemon Fan Club. Takes up a Supporter when you can't afford to do so.
-3 Psychic Energy. You're definitely not going to attack with Deoxys. Simple.
-3 Virbank City Gym. We're going to boost damage in another way.

+1 Thundarus EX. You need him to accelerate energy. Don't underestimate having to power up the Kyurem very quickly.
+1 Professor Juniper. You need draw support. Use it.
+2 Escape Rope. This forces the opponent to switch out, you can use this to your advantage.
+2 Team Plasma Kyurem. You need more of him in order to KO any EXs. Frost Spear is good in putting the pressure on your opponent.
+3 Team Plasma Leafeon. Reason being is that this Leafeon can be powered with just ONE energy. Also, it acts as a deterrent for the opponent to attach a buttload of energy.
+1 Deoxys EX. You need more power, boost the number of Deoxys.
+2 Startling Megaphone. Gets rid of items and helps alleviate Garbador.
+2 Frozen City. All of your Pokemon should be Team Plasma or going into Team Plasma. It should help out making extra damage.
+3 Grass Energy. You want to have a lot of Leafeons out.
+2 Electric Energy. In removing Rainbow, you'll need another way to get energy out so grab two of these just in case.
+1 Team Plasma Glaceon. The reason is that its ability allows you to practically have free retreat. Why not take advantage of this?

EDIT: Forgot that with Rainbow gone, you'll need a way to power up Thundarus. Using Electric Energy will help this and other edits to make more sense.
Yeah, I appreciate the advice, but the kyurem was actually a tech which is why I ran 1, the whole idea is to keep the deck consistent, bianca is mediocre in most cases but its not bad it works in certain decks. Thundurus EX just gets wrecked by fighting, this was an experimental phase of the deck, stadium wars aren't really that much of a problem anymore. The reason the list was the way it was is because rotation hadn't hit yet, so people were still playing rotated stuff. Basically that's where I stand on this, 6 draw support is low but Virbank and Laser were to stall. I generally run minimum 8-15ish draw support so this was unusual it just happened to run consistently. Leafeon are good but the strategy of running that many leaves a pretty traceable strategy. Keep in mind that Espeon is a form of draw support as well that doubles as an attack.