Pokemon (13):
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (35):
Energy (12):
Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Landorus Ex focuses on his first attack. His second attack can be used to ohko when needed but should not be utilized unless it obtains the final two prizes. Lucario Ex focuses on his first two attacks. The first attack hits fast while the second one combos with N to disrupt and hit the opponent. Landorus provides energy acceleration and is a low cost non-Ex attacker while Raichu acts as an additional non-Ex attacker that can hit several cards resistant to [F] for weakness. In addition Raichu is also used to handle Pyroar. M Lucario Ex acts as cleaner and and as a third means to handle Pyroar.
Trainers were chosen to draw and search out needed cards. In addition to four N and four Scyamore the deck runs Korrina and Random Receiver to search out needed cards. Muscle Band and Fighting Stadium accelerate damage. Scramble Switch and Max potion conserve resources and work well with the low cost attacks. The deck also has a total of four switch cards and three cards that can catcher benched Pokémon. Pal Pad is used to retrieve lost trainers.
Pokemon (13):
1 M Lucario Ex (beatdown)
3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
2 Landorus (accelerate)
2 Raichu (beatdown)
2 Pikachu (evolve)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (35):
4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
4 Korrina (search)
2 Lysandre (gust)
4 N (draw)
1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
1 Professor's Letter (search)
2 Random Receiver (obtain)
1 Scramble Switch (switch)
4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
1 Escape Rope (switch)
2 Max Potion (heal)
2 Ultra Ball (search)
2 Switch (switch)
2 Pal Pad (reuse)
3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)
Energy (12):
8 Fighting Energy
4 Strong Energy
Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Landorus Ex focuses on his first attack. His second attack can be used to ohko when needed but should not be utilized unless it obtains the final two prizes. Lucario Ex focuses on his first two attacks. The first attack hits fast while the second one combos with N to disrupt and hit the opponent. Landorus provides energy acceleration and is a low cost non-Ex attacker while Raichu acts as an additional non-Ex attacker that can hit several cards resistant to [F] for weakness. In addition Raichu is also used to handle Pyroar. M Lucario Ex acts as cleaner and and as a third means to handle Pyroar.
Trainers were chosen to draw and search out needed cards. In addition to four N and four Scyamore the deck runs Korrina and Random Receiver to search out needed cards. Muscle Band and Fighting Stadium accelerate damage. Scramble Switch and Max potion conserve resources and work well with the low cost attacks. The deck also has a total of four switch cards and three cards that can catcher benched Pokémon. Pal Pad is used to retrieve lost trainers.