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Rising Fist (Lucario EX / Landorus EX / Raichu)

Dark Espeon

Dark Avatar

Pokemon (13):

  • 1 M Lucario Ex (beatdown)
    3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
    3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
    2 Landorus (accelerate)
    2 Raichu (beatdown)
    2 Pikachu (evolve)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (35):

  • 4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
    4 Korrina (search)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    4 N (draw)
    1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    1 Professor's Letter (search)
    2 Random Receiver (obtain)
    1 Scramble Switch (switch)
    4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    1 Escape Rope (switch)
    2 Max Potion (heal)
    2 Ultra Ball (search)
    2 Switch (switch)
    2 Pal Pad (reuse)
    3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)

Energy (12):

  • 8 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy


Go second and start with either Landorus Ex or Lucario Ex. Landorus Ex focuses on his first attack. His second attack can be used to ohko when needed but should not be utilized unless it obtains the final two prizes. Lucario Ex focuses on his first two attacks. The first attack hits fast while the second one combos with N to disrupt and hit the opponent. Landorus provides energy acceleration and is a low cost non-Ex attacker while Raichu acts as an additional non-Ex attacker that can hit several cards resistant to [F] for weakness. In addition Raichu is also used to handle Pyroar. M Lucario Ex acts as cleaner and and as a third means to handle Pyroar.

Trainers were chosen to draw and search out needed cards. In addition to four N and four Scyamore the deck runs Korrina and Random Receiver to search out needed cards. Muscle Band and Fighting Stadium accelerate damage. Scramble Switch and Max potion conserve resources and work well with the low cost attacks. The deck also has a total of four switch cards and three cards that can catcher benched Pokémon. Pal Pad is used to retrieve lost trainers.
Nice list. Btw, your idea of using just 8 card draw Supporters with 2 Pal Pads and 2 Random Receivers seem interesting - I will test that mix. Thanks.

I expect that Enhanced Hammer will rotate out. If so, any thoughts for replacements? For example, have you considered:

  • Mewtwo EX - to counter opponents' Mewtwo EXs and Deoxys EXs,
  • Bicycle - provides additional card draw support beyond your current 8 (insufficient perhaps even with the Random Receivers and Pal Pads) and can be searched for with Korrina,
  • Crushing Hammer - provides energy removal capability,
  • Energy Retrieval / Switch - provides basic energy recovery / manipulation capability,
  • F energy - additional,
  • Landorus / Landorus EX - additional good starting Poké, and/or
  • Sacred Ash - Poké recovery?
I hope you find my comments helpful.
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Thanks for the review. The comments are indeed helpful. Please let me know how the draw engine works out for you. I use a similar one in most of the other decks I use at the moment. However, these decks ahve ten draw supporters sublimended with two Bicycles in addition to the two Random Receivers and two Pal Pads. Consider Random receiver as another out for draw supporters without having to increase their numbers to have better odds to draw the most usefull ones that have been maxed out.

The lower card draw supporter count seems to work since Random Receivers can search them out and Pal Pad make them reuseable. All supporters are usefull in this deck. For this reason Random Receiver should not net a dead card most of the time. Random Receiver also make Korrina more akin to Skyla with an additional benefit. The limit to eight draw supporter initially was a little outside of my comfort zone but it worked out well since Lucario Ex can also draw in some cards and benefits from lower hand sizes.

In Japan there was a league promo Enhanced Hammer which made me assume that this card will remain in format. If not two Bicycle or one additional Megaphone and a tech Mewtwo Ex would be fine. Tried three Landorus but it did not work that well. Regarding Landorus Ex I would either run two and three Lucario Ex or the other way round. Three each seem to be a little excessive. Also tried two each and a tech Terrakion but he was hardly used unless he was able to revenge ohko.

The list is rather similar to the Machamp built which runs three candies instead of Enhanced Hammer and the second Lysandre. The Raichu built seems to work better against Yveltal and Lugia since it hits for weakness but the Machamp built seems to be better versus several other decks. Still unsure which version I will end using.
Dark Espeon said:
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Thanks for the review. The comments are indeed helpful. Please let me know how the draw engine works out for you. I use a similar one in most of the other decks I use at the moment. However, these decks ahve ten draw supporters sublimended with two Bicycles in addition to the two Random Receivers and two Pal Pads. Consider Random receiver as another out for draw supporters without having to increase their numbers to have better odds to draw the most usefull ones that have been maxed out.
My biggest concern (here at least) is the growing number of Item-lock decks; so, I tend not to run decks with fewer than 10 card-draw Supporters.
TuxedoBlack said:
My biggest concern (here at least) is the growing number of Item-lock decks; so, I tend not to run decks with fewer than 10 card-draw Supporters.

In decks that cannot draw cards with attacks or abilities ten draw supporter should be a minimal standard. However, one can subliment them with non-supporter based search and retrieval cards such as Pal Pad and Random Receiver since it can backfire to run too many N and Colress. While the latter one backfires when you are in the lead in terms of prizes the former one backfires at the start of the match when you usually want to draw cards to get valued Pokémon on the bench in the first place. Random Receiver can hand the deck an out of supporters without the need to increase the number of N and Colress to ensure that one does not draw them when these cards are least effective.
Dark Espeon said:
Pokemon (13):

  • 1 M Lucario Ex (beatdown)
    3 Landorus EX (beatdown)
    3 Lucario EX (beatdown)
    2 Landorus (accelerate)
    2 Raichu (beatdown)
    2 Pikachu (evolve)

Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums (35):

  • 4 Professor Scyamore (draw)
    4 Korrina (search)
    2 Lysandre (gust)
    4 N (draw)
    1 Startling Megaphone (discard)
    1 Professor's Letter (search)
    2 Random Receiver (obtain)
    1 Scramble Switch (switch)
    4 Muscle Band (beatdown)
    1 Escape Rope (switch)
    2 Max Potion (heal)
    2 Ultra Ball (search)
    2 Switch (switch)
    2 Pal Pad (reuse)
    3 Fighting Stadium (beatdown)

Energy (12):

  • 8 Fighting Energy
    4 Strong Energy

Today, I play-tested my Seismitoad EX deck against a player running a deck very similar to yours. I'd suggest you consider the following:

  • Replace at least one of the Max Potions with a Cassius. I had the Item-lock in place T2, Lysandre his Landorus EXs, and took 4 prizes - I was able to easily 2HKO his Landorus EXs and still maintain the Item-lock throughout the game. A Cassius would provide you an alternative "out" when you have a wounded active Poké and can't play an Item to either heal or retreat it.
  • Run at least 1 Mewtwo EX to counter an opponent's Mewtwo EX. Whenever you attach 2 energy to any of your Lucario EXs, they are then within 1HKO range by Mewtwo EX.
I hope you find these comments helpful.
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Thanks for the review. As usual the comments are helopful.

I can see Mewtwo as a tech but I would need to replace one Pokémon with him. At the moment I tend to remove M Lucario Ex in favor of one tech Mewtwo. I considered to fuel one Landorus Ex instead to ohko Mewtwo since I was not sure whether one tech Mewtwo would be reliable without DCE. What are your thoughts on this issue?

Will remove one Max Potion for Cassius in case Item locks become more dominant but for now the Max Potion seem to work better since item lock did not take off thus far here.
Dark Espeon said:
I can see Mewtwo as a tech but I would need to replace one Pokémon with him. At the moment I tend to remove M Lucario Ex in favor of one tech Mewtwo. I considered to fuel one Landorus Ex instead to ohko Mewtwo since I was not sure whether one tech Mewtwo would be reliable without DCE. What are your thoughts on this issue?
I personally am not a fan of the M Lucario EX; so, I would suggest replacing it with a Mewtwo EX. In order to get my Mewtwo EX powered-up in one turn, I started playing Energy Switch which works for me. Like you, I did not want to run any DCE in my deck, but saw the need still for "faster" energy attachment.
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Sounds good. Will test out a tech Mewtwo instead of M Lucario Ex but do not see how I could fit in 1-2 Energy Switch at the moment. Would Landorus do the job too?
Dark Espeon said:
Hi TuxedoBlack,

Sounds good. Will test out a tech Mewtwo instead of M Lucario Ex but do not see how I could fit in 1-2 Energy Switch at the moment. Would Landorus do the job too?
Possibly. The group I play-test with tend to only bench their Mewtwo EXs when they need to; so, I "may not see" that particular threat in time to effectively use my Landorus EX to first weaken it. The Energy Switches provided me some nice options.

I'm finding that some of my matches turn into Mewtwo "wars" too. I now run 2 in my deck.