"Rival" vs. "Prof. Rowan"


Aspiring Trainer
Hello again, Pokébeachers!

I'm looking for a bit of advice. I currently only have Diamond & Pearl cards and Mysterious Treasures cards, so I'm definitely on the limited side when it comes to deck building. I'm debating between two similar cards and not sure which one gets more mileage on average: "Rival" or "Prof. Rowan".

"Rival" gets you three cards without having to give up any of your own. Definitely a nice power. The only problem (and there's always a problem, eh? ;) ) is that you opponent gets to affect which ones you get. Sometimes it's a huge drawback, such as when I have a Basic out, a Stage 2 in my hand, and my opponent doesn't give me the Stage 1. On the other hand, most opponents seem to have strong biases (some always give you energy, some never give you energy, etc.), so there's a reasonable amount of predictability you can use to your advantage.

"Prof. Rowan" gets you four cards, and four is one more than three last time I checked, so it's more useful for getting cards into your hand. Your opponent also doesn't get to filter the cards, meaning you have a larger chance of getting the card you need. However, you can't really combine the cards you're picking with what you have in your hand because, well, you have to give up almost all of your hand. Doesn't really matter if you only have Prof. Rowan with another card, but it's a high price to pay if you're holding onto a lot of potential.

Which card do you all generally prefer/play with?
It's easy, really. Rival is one of the best draw supporters (only matched by TVR, imho), while Rowan is one of the best hand refresh supporters. (probably only matched by Copycat)
Also note that Rowan doesn't GET you 4 cards, you get to keep 1 card and you can draw 4 more. In most of the cases, this will result in losing some hand size. Notice that Rival actually always results in you getting 3 more cards. Even though you tried to compare them, I think you'll have to agree that they are totally different in play. Because, to summarize, there are 3 things that might happen.
If you got a fine hand, you'd use Rival.
If you got a bad hand with 1 card you really really want to keep, you'd use Rowan.
If you got a totally horrible hand (or are, for instance, playing Boostcatty), you'd use Copycat.
The last 2 can also be used to prevent yourself from decking out, because you'll find yourself to be shuffling more than you're drawing some of the times.
Anyway. These are clearly 3 different situations, therefore, I prefer decks that play all 3.
I find that Professor Rowan works very well with Steven's Advice. I run one of each and two Scotts.
StealthAngel, thanks for breaking it down into different situations like you did. It definitely helps with thinking about how it will play out.

I do understand how Prof. Rowan works; I just wrote it in a way that's a bit confusing to understand, I think. Bad FireWheel, no biscuit. :)
In my opinon, Rowan is a bit better because unless all the 5 cards you reveal in rival are good, it can seem pretty worthless.. Because even if you het 3 cards, the cards that might be given to you are crap for your situation but with Rowan, you keep a good card and get to refreash your deck.. Hope that can help you even a little ^^
Rowan & TVR are really good. Bill's & Copycat can be good too. Steven's is subject to your opponent ... it might be really good or really bad depending on your opponents deck and current setup.

Rival is not something that I would normally play since your opponent can get spoil what you draw.
Even if steven is subject to your opponent, it can get more cards than any other trainer and it is stright draw without discarding or shuffling.
Not so much this season. I'm averaging about 2 ... maybe 2.5 cards per Steven's right now. Sure sometimes you jackpot and get 6, but it's not as common this season as last when folks were using Transceiver + Mentor.