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Rivalry (Luxray LA/ Electivire FB X) Masters, Any


Aspiring Trainer
4-3-4 luxray (LA)
2-1 Electivire FB X
3-1 Uxie
1 Azelf
4 Rare Candy
2 Conductive Quarries
4 Collectors
3 Comm
2 Bebes
2 Level Max
4 poke drawer
2 Belts
4 Junk arm
8 Electric
---------------------------Total: 60 --------------------

Strategy: Set up a Luxray and hit for 170, Electivire X is for emergency recovery if you get killed after a sweep. Swarm the Luxrays as much as possible, and get the energy out of the discard using either luxrays 1st attack or Electivire Fb's power. If DGX is in play, or there are no Pokémon X in play, luxray still hits for 120, and can stand on its own.
-3 Double Colorless Energy
-1 Electivire FB
+4 Rescue Energy

You should get out 2, maybe 3 Luxrays with two lightnings and a Rescue. Then you can attack with one for 120, then another, and continue (While attaching normally to the first one). You can keep this up for 3-4 turns, depending on how many Energy you can manage to get, and then send Electivire FB LV. X to attach Energy to all of them, and repeat. This way you can use it to its maximum efficiency. To be clear, Luxray has free retreat, so you can retreat and let another Luxray attack for high damage. Also, it should not be a problem to get out Electivire, as you play Azelf.
im thinking of also running 1 regice to get electric energy to the discard to plasma up to luxrays, or use electivire to do so