Welcome to Rm777's player thread!
FC: 519800547012
In game name: Mark
AIM: ?
Contact info: Anytime on weekends, during the week after four PM
My have/ wants
Pokemon for trade:
Chatot female
Cranidos male
Raticate female
Banette male
Ponyta male
Stunky male
Gyrados male
Flotazel male
Wingull male
Poliwhirl female
Psyduck female
Gible male
Evee both genders
Spoink both genders
Cubone both genders
Leafeon male
Pokemon I want:
Meowth female
Munchlax either gender
Dratini either gender
Bulbasaur either gender
Treeko female
Items for trade:
Rare bone
Qualot berry
Items I want:
Light orb
If you want to trade with me post here!
FC: 519800547012
In game name: Mark
AIM: ?
Contact info: Anytime on weekends, during the week after four PM
My have/ wants
Pokemon for trade:
Chatot female
Cranidos male
Raticate female
Banette male
Ponyta male
Stunky male
Gyrados male
Flotazel male
Wingull male
Poliwhirl female
Psyduck female
Gible male
Evee both genders
Spoink both genders
Cubone both genders
Leafeon male
Pokemon I want:
Meowth female
Munchlax either gender
Dratini either gender
Bulbasaur either gender
Treeko female
Items for trade:
Rare bone
Qualot berry
Items I want:
Light orb
If you want to trade with me post here!