RoA in Mangezone?


Aspiring Trainer
So I've been thinking of a while about Magnelektrik and how soft it is to Donphan. What I wonder is this: Is Donphan, or Donphans and Dragons, played enough as a general rule to warrant a tech of Ruins of Alph in the decklist? Doing so allows Thundurus to two shot Donphan, and Magnezone to OHKO it for three instead of four. This makes the matchup much easier, but takes away a slot and effectively makes a dead draw/junk arm fodder in any other matchup. Does anyone think the slot is worth it? Why or why not?
It all depends entirely on how much Donphan is in your area. If you decide there's enough space in your list, and enough Donphan in your area, then yes it is worth it.
It's ok. I think Pluspower could be enough because 3 energy plus PP ko's Donphan.
I don't think it makes sense. I'd rather run Tornadus, since it's somewhat useful outside of that matchup. Furthermore, having to Lost Burn one less energy is nowhere enough to swing the matchup in your favor. I'd say accept the auto-loss, and if it's popular in your area, then Eelzone is probably a bad play.
Donphan is more of a random threat, but one I don't want to be down against if avoidable. I had thought of Tornadus, and will probably run it when Zekrom EX comes out because a couple DCE might make a lot of sense at that point. Looking at that and what Glaceon said, I do like the idea of pluspower, as it helps in Zekrom vs Dragon and turns Yanmega and Tornadus into a one energy KO which is probably better than the RoA tech for one matchup. On the other hand, RoA might still be better if Truth uses Donphan still.
Neither PlusPower nor Ruins of Alph is going to swing the matchup in your favor. I love to play Donphan, and I played 3 Eelektric decks in one of my Cities: 2 Lanturn and 1 Eel/Magnezone. I ran right through all 3. They couldn't even get enough Energy on the field to kill my Donphans. Magnezone took out 1 Donphan the whole game and both Lanturn took out 2. Donphan will just Catcher the Eelektrics all day until you fold. Tornadus is a better tech because they actually give Donphan a headache.
If you can manage getting Tornadus+Eviolite Donphan will literally scoop, if they don't have any backup attackers set up (namely Zekrom). They're 3HKOing with RoA, 6HKOing without it.
^Eelzone usually doesn't run Eviolite, so that doesn't work very well most of the time.
Would Cryogonal be too hard to tech in? Since you can get the energy needed the same turn you lay him down. You dinomotor an {l} onto him and attach a Rainbow or tech in a couple waters for this instance. Then just switch for the KO. Just an option.
I tried Rescue in the deck and hated it. If it gets discarded, that can cost you the game. I would assume water to be the same way, except it's also useless in every matchup except Donphan.
Celebi23 said:
I tried Rescue in the deck and hated it. If it gets discarded, that can cost you the game. I would assume water to be the same way, except it's also useless in every matchup except Donphan.

Do you run revive/super rod or a 4th magnezone? Or was 3 magnezone enough? Right now I'm running 3 and was thinking of putting in rescue
Yeah, I run a 4-2-4 Magnezone line. I'm pretty old-fashioned when it comes to deckbuilding lol. I think most lists run a 4-2-3 with 1 Super Rod.