The strategy behind this deck is to allow my opponent to KO my robo substitutes and I bring up something else to attack with. All of the the pokemon expect for the 2 hawlucha and the dedenne have an attack where the damage is increased if one of my pokemon was knocked out the previous turn. As far as i know the robo subs count as pokemon so the retaliation type effect will take pace. I also run alow amount of N because the goal is to not allow pizes to be taken. I think teamates can also be used after a robo sub is KO'd. The psychic energy is in the case that I want to use Toxicroak's second attack.
4 Terrakian (LTR)
2-2 Toxicroak (LTR)
2 Hawlucha
1 Dedenne (Flashfire)
2 Keldeo EX
4 Professor Juniper
1 Lysandre
4 N
2 Teamates
3 Korrina
1 Lysandre's Trump Card
4 Robo Substitute
3 Silver Bangle
2 Muscle Band
3 VS Seeker
2 Switch
2 Float Stone
3 Fighting Stadium
1 Computer Search
2 Ultra Ball
4 Strong Energy
6 Fighting Energy
The strategy behind this deck is to allow my opponent to KO my robo substitutes and I bring up something else to attack with. All of the the pokemon expect for the 2 hawlucha and the dedenne have an attack where the damage is increased if one of my pokemon was knocked out the previous turn. As far as i know the robo subs count as pokemon so the retaliation type effect will take pace. I also run alow amount of N because the goal is to not allow pizes to be taken. I think teamates can also be used after a robo sub is KO'd. The psychic energy is in the case that I want to use Toxicroak's second attack.