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Robo Substitutes' Revenge (Terrakion / Toxicroak)


Aspiring Trainer

  • 4 Terrakian (LTR)
    2-2 Toxicroak (LTR)
    2 Hawlucha
    1 Dedenne (Flashfire)
    2 Keldeo EX


  • 4 Professor Juniper
    1 Lysandre
    4 N
    2 Teamates
    3 Korrina
    1 Lysandre's Trump Card
    4 Robo Substitute
    3 Silver Bangle
    2 Muscle Band
    3 VS Seeker
    2 Switch
    2 Float Stone
    3 Fighting Stadium
    1 Computer Search
    2 Ultra Ball

  • 4 Strong Energy
    6 Fighting Energy

The strategy behind this deck is to allow my opponent to KO my robo substitutes and I bring up something else to attack with. All of the the pokemon expect for the 2 hawlucha and the dedenne have an attack where the damage is increased if one of my pokemon was knocked out the previous turn. As far as i know the robo subs count as pokemon so the retaliation type effect will take pace. I also run alow amount of N because the goal is to not allow pizes to be taken. I think teamates can also be used after a robo sub is KO'd. The psychic energy is in the case that I want to use Toxicroak's second attack.
RE: Robo substitutes revenge

Both Teammates and Retaliate/Revenge activate as long as the KO on the robo sub does not occur in between turns.

-2 Druddigon (You really don't need this, and it its the only thing that benefits from DCE. Its better to remove these altogether for something else.)
-2 DCE (See above)
-2 Psychic Energy (You really only want to be using Toxicroak for Revenge, nothing else.)
-1 Switch (You need Keldeo if you wanted the free retreat)
-1 Enhanced Hammer (Not required, there are cards that would better take up this spot)

+2 Fighting Energy (Replace the psychic with something you particularly need)
+1 Keldeo-EX (Free retreat)
+2 Float Stone (Free retreat)
+2 Ultra Ball
+1 Keldeo-EX/Hawlucha (Depending on which card you end up needing the most - Hawlucha is a great attacker and a great starter, while Keldeo is good if you find the other one gets KO'd or Prized often)
RE: Robo substitutes revenge

The changes you suggested make sense so I made them. I completly forgot to add in Ultra Balls.
Just gone through and checked again and noticed, compared to other fighting draw engines, this engine lacks the draw support. Also, I'm wondering how much you need Lysandre. Since your point is more not to be aggressive, is two actually worth it?

Anyway, suggestion:
-1 Lysandre (maybe...)
-1 VS Seeker (I don't think you need 4)

+2 N (Draw consistency.)
I was going to go on ptcgo last night and make the deck but I unfortanatly only have 2 terrakian. But i edited the suggestions you made into the post.