Rockville BR


Uber N00b
Pretty simple

Whos going? What deck will you be playing, if you want to tell us? What division will you be playing in?

Im thefleeee or Rahul Reddy, just come up and say hi or something if you see me there
I will either be playing "the Truth" or Stage 1's
and Im a Master
RE: Fairfax BR

I am going and in Master. I am hoping to place 3rd or 2nd so I can add another promo card to my collection. (P!P, why must you make the victory cup cards different promo numbers. :( )
RE: Fairfax BR

@eevee: Each card is different thus the different card numbers.
RE: Fairfax BR

I'm pretty sure I'll be going. What time does it start/end?

Oh, and I can trade for/borrow those cards, right, thefleeee? (Cleffa, 2 Buizel, 3 Floatzel, 2 Judge, 3 Rare Candy, Vileplume)

I'm Stephen (Masters), I'll probably be wearing a Marshall Soccer sweatjacket. I might be around Rahul. I'll be playing either one deck if I can borrow those cards from Rahul, or a random grouping of 60 cards that might win 1 game if I'm extremely lucky if I can't.
RE: Fairfax BR

I think I'm going.

I'll most likely be playing

And want a victory point.

What a sec. Why are we doing introduction. I think we all know each other.

I'll be playing in Seniors, have have blonde hair. and I'm short
RE: Fairfax BR

Well, to be fair, I have not met thefleeee or Scizorliscious. It would be nice to meet them.

Also, you are not short. Everyone else is tall.
RE: Fairfax BR

eevee said:
Well, to be fair, I have not met thefleeee or Scizorliscious. It would be nice to meet them.

Also, you are not short. Everyone else is tall.

I will be playing in the Masters. My name is Dylan.
I'm playing:
Wouldn't you like to know :)
RE: Fairfax BR

How'd you see that :O :p

eevee said:
Everyone else is tall.

Like thefleece. He's a lot taller than me.

@ Scizor:


@ Scizor again:

I can loan you a Floatzel, and trade a Cleffa.
RE: Fairfax BR

I don't know. Your a master, and there were 6 rounds in Warrenton. Fairfax got 2nd highest attendence during last BR, so maybe 7 rounds?

Then, it will be late.
RE: Fairfax BR

Oh wow... that'll be a long time...

So on a different topic, everyone, what are we expecting to see at this BR (for any division)? I think there'll be a good amount of Gothitelle, but also some Tyram (for Masters). Any other decks expected to have a big showing?
RE: Fairfax BR

Stage 1s was big in Warrenton. (Masters)
For Seniors... Stage 1s+genies, and GothIclus.
RE: Fairfax BR

Uh oh... not looking forward to Stage 1s. That's a pretty bad matchup for me :/

How did the Stage 1s/Genies do? I've only seen it a couple times; it looks pretty good.
RE: Fairfax BR

Its stage 1's without Donphan... I have everything to loan/trade to you but the 3rd Floatzel, which coincidentally Glaceon has :p

It will end around 4ish im guessing, if you dont make cut :p

Goth+Rein, TyRam, Stage 1's, and Boar variants are huge right now..... So anything goes really :p
RE: Fairfax BR

Ya, I have the Floatzel. And I know its without Donphan. Luckily for me.

Another way to see who's me is I have a front cover filled with Glaceon and Bravairy.
RE: Fairfax BR

@Glace and Scizor, now that I know there is a lack of Donphan and Goth+Rein loses to my super secret deck, should I use it?
RE: Fairfax BR

I just realized I was using Japanese Energy in my deck and I have no Basic Energy.

Hoorah me.

glaceon, would you happen to have 6 Lightning Energy and 10 Water Energy? I really stink at this whole "getting-the-cards-I-need-for-my-deck-beforehand" thing.

Anyone going have an extra Rare Candy to loan? Turns out Rahul might only have 2. I know, I'm so cool mooching off of people... ;P