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ROGUE: Dark Plasma Trees EX?!?! (Plasma Darkrai / Deoxys EX / Trevenant)


Klinklang V Plz
Make sure to look at what I'm concerned about as well as adding your own feedback to the deck. I do not know if I ever plan on running this deck, but I can see it being more then just a 'fun' deck and has some potential. In addition, DO NOT try to change this deck to Plasma, Darkrai-Yveltal, or Trevenant as I will ignore your comment; I am completely serious when posting this list.

Pokemon: 15

  • 3 Darkrai (BWP 73)
    3 Deoxys EX (PF 53)
    1 Darkrai EX (DE 63)
    2 Yveltal EX (XY 79)
    3 Phantump (XY 54)
    3 Trevenant (XY 55)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 35

  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser (PS 123)
    3 Dark Patch (DE 93)
    3 Virbank City Gym (PS 126)
    3 Muscle Band (XY 121)
    3 Ultra Ball (DE 102)
    4 Professor Juniper (BW 101)
    4 N (DE 96)
    3 Colress (PS 118)
    1 Lysandre (FF 90)
    1 Random Receiver (DE 99)
    2 Bicycle (PS 117)
    1 Professor's Letter (XY 123)
    1 Super Rod (DRV 20)
    1 Dowsing Machine (PS 128)
    1 Startling M phone (FF 97)
Energy: 10

  • 7 Darkness Energy (BW 111)
    3 Double Colorless Energy (ND 92)

This deck is like a typical strafe deck, but involves a non EX easily set up pokemon: Plasma Darkrai. For 1 Darkness 1 Colorless it does 30 damage, but with muscle band, laserbank, and deoxys EX the damage stacks easily. You'd then switch into Trevenant, so that hopefully the lock with sleep from Laser happens and your opponent can't retreat. No float stone needed for Darkrai's free retreat. Backup attacker is Yveltal EX for Virgen/Aromatisse decks.
Stuff I'm concerned about:
- Is trevenant the play, or should I make it more like snorlax (for its attack AND ability)/Sigilyph (I could add in psychic too for him/deoxys EX)?
- Is 1 Darkrai EX, 3 Darkrai, and 3 Deoxys EX enough?
- DCE or Plasma Energy? If Plamsa is added should I add in colress machine...T1 Stuff seems good.
-1-1 Dusknoir?
RE: ROGUE: Dark Plasma Trees EX?!?!

Hm. Interesting idea! I have looked at Darkrai prior, but for a different deck entirely. I normally use attack-and-switch Pokemon for Flygon or other purposes like this.

I also see Snorlax being a good play, but perhaps instead of that, you can run Dragalge and use Snorlax's ability from the bench and lock them Item-wise? I might take out an Yveltal EX, a Deoxys EX and add in a 1-1 line of him, if not two Skrelp and whatnot. Just an idea on that front.

But I must ask, and you know I must ask this question, but why not run Strafe Palkia, aside from being able to slide through Safeguard users? It does twenty more damage automagically, and is Dragon-typed, which means you automatically win the RayBoar matchup, and do really well against Blastoise.

Speaking of Safeguard users, I would highly recommend you try to fit one in there. I've also seen Pyroar as Strafe options.

No to the Dusknoir, though. That becomes much too clunky as you are trying to do too many things with one deck.

Plasma Energy is almost always good to have in decks that run Plasma Pokemon. Except in this case, you have Dark Patch, and Dark Patch already covers that pretty well, and it isn't like you're going to be fighting for speed on a two Energy Pokemon.
I like the idea to the deck. I would add in more darkrai EX just incase4 the one is prized so you have the free retreat. I would add in 1 or 2 psychic energy or rainbow energy in the case you need to attack with trevenant or deoxys ex. the last suggestion i would have would be plasma badge to give Yveltal ex, or trevenant a greater damage output.

I agree with kecleon about the dragalage.

Let us know how the deck works

How do I use Snorlax's ability from the bench? I think you are mistaken.
And I thought about Dragalgae, but the fact that (without sableye) I only have 5 Lasers I think that he will be kind of bad. I think either snorlax and/or a safeguarder will be the best for the deck. Pyroar may be good too. I plan on taking out the 3-3 trees to accommodate this.
I see about strafe palkia, but I wont be able to set him up quickly unless if I run Colress Machine or Energy switch. I could take him out for a yveltal, but he might make the deck clunky too. Do you think maybe Druddigon may be better?
Thanks for the dusknoir advice.
Last thing, I know he is a 2 energy pokemon, but still the synergy of getting out a turn 1 Darkrai for any amount of damage would be awesome. I really want to add 2 colress machine and 3 plasma energy, so I'm thinking about maybe taking out 1 Darkness energy, 1 Dark patch, and 1 VBC. I may be able to put some of those 3 I'm taking out if I have extra spots from my 3-3 trevenant line.

This also brings up the topic, should I add Team Plamsa Ball as well as Ultra Ball? Maybe a 2-2 line would be good.
Also, 2 Bike 1 RR, or 2 RR and 1 Bike?

@Ironman 131

To be honest, even though Darkrai EX gives free retreat, he isn't super needed, especially if I add in 1-retreat cost safeguarding pokemon (Suicune/sigilyph) that also can get energy in the discard. I may add another one, but I don't want to turn this into a darkrai ex build.
I was thinking about psychic energy, but honestly I don't want to attack with Deoxys, trevenant, or sigilyph if I can. I plan on straight safe guarding my active after I switch out from the active spot. Then next turn I'm retreating into the darkrai again. Yveltal EX also isn't my main focus of the deck, but I do like him as a secondary attacker.
Elbow said:

How do I use Snorlax's ability from the bench? I think you are mistaken. No, I'm not. Dragalge is Snorlax to Poisoned Pokemon, except you can use it from the bench.

And I thought about Dragalgae, but the fact that (without sableye) I only have 5 Lasers I think that he will be kind of bad. Well, you aren't going to be Lasering every turn, and they're in there as extra damage when you need it. Heck, if all turns out well, you'll only need to play three of them!

I see about strafe palkia, but I wont be able to set him up quickly unless if I run Colress Machine or Energy switch. I think not. You could also run Double Colorless Energy and set him up in a fraction of the time! I could take him out for a yveltal, but he might make the deck clunky too. Do you think maybe Druddigon may be better? Druddigon is only really good when you already run DCE, or Energy Switch, as he is best reserved for the "surprise" role of countering a Black Kyurem EX or Rayquaza EX. It's up to you, but personally, I would only run him if you wanted to put in the Double Colorless.

Last thing, I know he is a 2 energy pokemon, but still the synergy of getting out a turn 1 Darkrai for any amount of damage would be awesome. Remember, if you go first, this will not happen. Besides! You're already running Dark Patch, so if you get a Double Dark Patch, you can just attach one to the active, free retreat for the Darkrai and begin to wallop! I really want to add 2 colress machine and 3 plasma energy, so I'm thinking about maybe taking out 1 Darkness energy, 1 Dark patch, and 1 VBC. I may be able to put some of those 3 I'm taking out if I have extra spots from my 3-3 trevenant line. I wouldn't, unless you're adding in Palkia. I really don't see the necessity.

This also brings up the topic, should I add Team Plamsa Ball as well as Ultra Ball? Maybe a 2-2 line would be good.
Also, 2 Bike 1 RR, or 2 RR and 1 Bike?

One bike has never really served me well. It's only really useful when you're N'd to one card, and it's either the Bicycle or a Skyla, in which case I would rather Skyla for a Supporter. The same goes for Random Reciever. It's not that consistent when you only run one, so there's some leeway there. Either way, if you're going to take one of two out, I'd take them both out for... Perhaps more Pokemon search. I agree that you need to run Plasma Ball, but you also need to find whatever you're switching into as well as Dragalge if you put him in, so that means you are going to have to run a mix of the two. A two-two line is far too few of each. I might main Plasma Ball, with around three of those, with two Ultra Balls. This is minimum, methinks, for most any deck.

Wow, I always thought that Dragalgae needed to be active for its ability to work, I never realized it could be benched! I used to see everyone's Toxicroak/Dragalgae strategy as stupid, but now I see how it works. A 2-2 line of him and 2 safeguard pokemon seems acceptable, Should I go with Suicune or Sigilpyh, I can't fit in 2 stage 1 lines in the deck (pyroar as you said earlier).
I would want to add Palkia, but I think the benefits of having Druddigon would outweigh Palkia. The plasma energy is just not needed, T1 attacking isn't my goal anyways. I thought it could be good for a turn 1 60-90, but honestly its not needed.
I think, after consideration, my ball line will be: 3 TPB, 2 UB, and 1 level ball (this would weigh the side of getting a Sigilyph over Suicune).
And I pretty much agree with the whole idea of taking out the bike/RR, but if I run dowsing machine, I could get RR back for a supporter. I may want to change it for a pal pad, but do you think that RR/Pal Pad would be better for the deck?

So here's the cuts/adds:
-3-3 Trevenant
-1 RR
-1 Bike
-1 UB
-1 Yveltal EX

+2-2 Dragalgae
+1/2 Sigilyph
+1 Druddigon
+3 TPB
+1 Level Ball

+/-RR for Pal Pad?
I know the numbers may be a little off but how do the list changes sound?