Make sure to look at what I'm concerned about as well as adding your own feedback to the deck. I do not know if I ever plan on running this deck, but I can see it being more then just a 'fun' deck and has some potential. In addition, DO NOT try to change this deck to Plasma, Darkrai-Yveltal, or Trevenant as I will ignore your comment; I am completely serious when posting this list.
Pokemon: 15
This deck is like a typical strafe deck, but involves a non EX easily set up pokemon: Plasma Darkrai. For 1 Darkness 1 Colorless it does 30 damage, but with muscle band, laserbank, and deoxys EX the damage stacks easily. You'd then switch into Trevenant, so that hopefully the lock with sleep from Laser happens and your opponent can't retreat. No float stone needed for Darkrai's free retreat. Backup attacker is Yveltal EX for Virgen/Aromatisse decks.
Stuff I'm concerned about:
- Is trevenant the play, or should I make it more like snorlax (for its attack AND ability)/Sigilyph (I could add in psychic too for him/deoxys EX)?
- Is 1 Darkrai EX, 3 Darkrai, and 3 Deoxys EX enough?
- DCE or Plasma Energy? If Plamsa is added should I add in colress machine...T1 Stuff seems good.
-1-1 Dusknoir?
Pokemon: 15
3 Darkrai (BWP 73)
3 Deoxys EX (PF 53)
1 Darkrai EX (DE 63)
2 Yveltal EX (XY 79)
3 Phantump (XY 54)
3 Trevenant (XY 55)
4 Hypnotoxic Laser (PS 123)
3 Dark Patch (DE 93)
3 Virbank City Gym (PS 126)
3 Muscle Band (XY 121)
3 Ultra Ball (DE 102)
4 Professor Juniper (BW 101)
4 N (DE 96)
3 Colress (PS 118)
1 Lysandre (FF 90)
1 Random Receiver (DE 99)
2 Bicycle (PS 117)
1 Professor's Letter (XY 123)
1 Super Rod (DRV 20)
1 Dowsing Machine (PS 128)
1 Startling M phone (FF 97)
7 Darkness Energy (BW 111)
3 Double Colorless Energy (ND 92)
This deck is like a typical strafe deck, but involves a non EX easily set up pokemon: Plasma Darkrai. For 1 Darkness 1 Colorless it does 30 damage, but with muscle band, laserbank, and deoxys EX the damage stacks easily. You'd then switch into Trevenant, so that hopefully the lock with sleep from Laser happens and your opponent can't retreat. No float stone needed for Darkrai's free retreat. Backup attacker is Yveltal EX for Virgen/Aromatisse decks.
Stuff I'm concerned about:
- Is trevenant the play, or should I make it more like snorlax (for its attack AND ability)/Sigilyph (I could add in psychic too for him/deoxys EX)?
- Is 1 Darkrai EX, 3 Darkrai, and 3 Deoxys EX enough?
- DCE or Plasma Energy? If Plamsa is added should I add in colress machine...T1 Stuff seems good.
-1-1 Dusknoir?