Sometimes rogue is good. Sometimes, it isn't. I consider rogue anything outside of the norm. For example, I'd say that a rogue Luxchomp won worlds this year. The deck that won played a 1-1 DGX, a weird energy line, and a PONT. I consider rogue anything unique enough t distinguish itself.
Flyterra won german nats, that's rogue. Raybees won worlds last year... that was pretty rogue. Once again, meta wins more, but only because good decks get played often. A deck can start out quiet and end up popular. That is how the game works. A good rogue deck will go meta as soon as it is found out. If it doesn't go meta, it obviously isn't worth really playing, and thus, isn't a good rogue deck. That is, assuming the opportunity is not missed like with rotations.
Overall, meta is anything that is massively played. Good decks are always played a lot. Thus, meta is good. Even so, it always makes me smile to play a card, have my opponent look at me funny, and reach down to read the card.