Welcome to RookKnight93's player thread, complete with trading shop and more!
Pokemon Platinum FC: 1032-7106-7669
Time Zone: PDT (GMT -8)
Contact Time: All day on weekends, nights on weekdays.
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
Modest XD Lugia (Lvl. 51, NOT UT)
Lax XD Articuno (Lvl. 50, UT)
Adamant XD Zapdos (Lvl. 50, UT)
Lonely XD Moltres (Lvl. 50, UT)
Impish Regice (Lvl. 40 UT)
Impish Registeel (Lvl. 40, UT)
Careful Regirock (Lvl. 40, UT)
Impish Latios (Lvl. 40, UT)
Brave/Modest Azelf (Lvl. 50, UT)
Adamant/Gentle Mesprit (Lvl. 50, UT)
Hasty/Bashful Uxie (Lvl. 50, UT)
Relaxed/Lax Cresselia (Lvl. 50, UT)
Rash/Modest Heatran (Lvl. 50/70, UT)
Serious/Sassy Regigigas (Lvl. 1/70 UT)
Gentle Oak's Letter Shaymin (Lvl. 30, UT)
Docile Shiny Whismur (Lvl. 6 UT)
Hoenn Weather Trio (Lvl. 70 UT)
LOOKING FOR=======================
*MATTLE/10th Anniversary Ho-oh (Lvl. 70 UT)
*Random non-legend shinies
PENDING TRADES=======================
COMPLETED TRADES=======================
* My Naive Azelf for Rivallz's PBR Pikachu.
* My Naive TRU Shaymin for oddsok's Ageto Celebi.
* My TRU Manaphy for SUNGEL's 10anniv Lugia.
* My TRU Shaymin for Aesir's 10anniv Ho-oh.
* My Shiny Poochyena for {US}lol's UT Latias.
* My Bold Suicune for bulber's shiny Torkoal.
* My Gamestp Dexoys for Skymin50's TRU Shaymin.
* My TRU Regigigas for Lance's Wishmkr Jirachi.
Pokemon Platinum FC: 1032-7106-7669
Time Zone: PDT (GMT -8)
Contact Time: All day on weekends, nights on weekdays.
POKEMON FOR TRADE====================
Modest XD Lugia (Lvl. 51, NOT UT)
Lax XD Articuno (Lvl. 50, UT)
Adamant XD Zapdos (Lvl. 50, UT)
Lonely XD Moltres (Lvl. 50, UT)
Impish Regice (Lvl. 40 UT)
Impish Registeel (Lvl. 40, UT)
Careful Regirock (Lvl. 40, UT)
Impish Latios (Lvl. 40, UT)
Brave/Modest Azelf (Lvl. 50, UT)
Adamant/Gentle Mesprit (Lvl. 50, UT)
Hasty/Bashful Uxie (Lvl. 50, UT)
Relaxed/Lax Cresselia (Lvl. 50, UT)
Rash/Modest Heatran (Lvl. 50/70, UT)
Serious/Sassy Regigigas (Lvl. 1/70 UT)
Gentle Oak's Letter Shaymin (Lvl. 30, UT)
Docile Shiny Whismur (Lvl. 6 UT)
Hoenn Weather Trio (Lvl. 70 UT)
LOOKING FOR=======================
*MATTLE/10th Anniversary Ho-oh (Lvl. 70 UT)
*Random non-legend shinies
PENDING TRADES=======================
COMPLETED TRADES=======================
* My Naive Azelf for Rivallz's PBR Pikachu.
* My Naive TRU Shaymin for oddsok's Ageto Celebi.
* My TRU Manaphy for SUNGEL's 10anniv Lugia.
* My TRU Shaymin for Aesir's 10anniv Ho-oh.
* My Shiny Poochyena for {US}lol's UT Latias.
* My Bold Suicune for bulber's shiny Torkoal.
* My Gamestp Dexoys for Skymin50's TRU Shaymin.
* My TRU Regigigas for Lance's Wishmkr Jirachi.