Ruling Roserade and Rainbow Energy


Aspiring Trainer
Hi guys,

So I've been wondering the combo of attaching a Rainbow Energy on a Roserade.

Roserades power sure work with a Rainbow Energy, but i don't think it activates both conditions. Rainbow Energy says "Providing only 1 at a time".

So the question is, can Roserades Poke-Power be activated with only 1 Rainbow Energy? And still give affect from both sides?
From the FAQ at the top of the page.
DNA said:
Q. If I attach a Rainbow Energy (or Multi Energy) to my Roserade UL for its Energy Signal Poke-Power, is the Defending Pokemon Confused, Poisoned, both, or neither?
A. The Defending Pokemon becomes Confused and Poisoned, as Rainbow Energy is an energy card that provides both types of those energy. (In the case of Multi Energy, though, it can't have any other Special Energy cards attached or it will not work.)