Have you ever noticed that this is a good card. Use it's poke-body to poison the defending pokemon, the use deep poison to do 80 damage. Pretty good for a not so used card.
PokeChamp said:I have always liked Roserade. The only reason I don't play it, is because it needs three Energies >.<
Kingdra King said:do you have a card to raise hp?
qnetykz said:PokeChamp said:I have always liked Roserade. The only reason I don't play it, is because it needs three Energies >.<
*smh* people and being afraid of energy attacks over 2...sad
PokeChamp said:qnetykz said:PokeChamp said:I have always liked Roserade. The only reason I don't play it, is because it needs three Energies >.<
*smh* people and being afraid of energy attacks over 2...sad
Do you really think you would have any chance with all of the fast decks running around? Before you make a comment like that, why don't you at least play the deck at a tourney (a major one), and then talk to me. Otherwise, I don't see your point.