So I was looking at the Zangoose from Team Up, whose first attack on the surface looks inherently worse than Alolan Vulpix's first attack, as it costs 1 Energy instead of 0, and it only searches the top 6 cards of the deck. However, there's one thing it does better, and that is discarding Non-Pokemon cards. So I thought for a while, and realized this paired up nicely with every Rotom that requires 9 Tools be in the discard. Thus, this deck idea was born. Note that I haven't tested this yet, this is just an idea I wanted some feedback on.
2x Zangoose (Team Up) (You can use Counter Gain instead of attaching an Energy.)
3x [P] Rotom (Forbidden Light) ([P] type gives access to Spell Tag.)
3x Fan Rotom (Ultra Prism) (Zero retreat cost, and 20 spread damage.)
1x Mow Rotom (Ultra Prism) (Discards Special Energy.)
1x Heat Rotom (Ultra Prism) (This could be cut for something else.)
4x Jirachi (Team Up) (You're using Tools anyway, so Escape Board.)
2-2x Zebstrika (Lost Thunder) (Discards your Tools.)
18 Pokémon
(Use more Tools than you need so you can discard them, as well as increase your odds of discarding many of them with Zangoose.)
4x Choice Band
4x Escape Board
4x Spell Tag
4x Counter Gain (The first knock out will likely be your Jirachi.)
2x Poison Barb (Just to pad out the Tool lineup. You could use 4 of these and 1 Seviper if you wanted.)
18 tools
2x Shrine of Memories
4x Switch (Allows you to use multiple Jirachi per turn.)
4x Nest Ball (Jirachi and Zangoose.)
4x Ultra Ball (Zebstrika will give you draw power every turn.)
1x Rescue Stretcher
2x Sightseer (Discards Tools.)
4x Lillie (4 for seeing it turn 1.)
1x Guzma
2x Bill's Analysis (If you got Non-Tools you can take, and know you will use Zangoose that turn, shuffle back as many Tools as possible to improve your odds of discarding them with Zangoose.)
24 non-tool trainers
So the general idea is setup with Jirachi and end the turn using Zangoose's attack for even more setup. Then, soften them up with Fan Rotom and Shrine. Finally, sweep with [P] Rotom and Spell Tag.
You could use the [L] Rotom with Electropower and the Blitzle whose first attack searches 2 Electropower, however Electropower isn't a Tool, and Spell Tag is, and the deck seems too crowded to fit both.
Edit: Removed the 2 Energy for more Trainers. Just use Counter Gain for Zangoose.
Need to find room for another Guzma, perhaps another Rescue Stretcher, and a 3rd Shrine. Might want to add another Mow Rotom or [P] Rotom in place of the 3rd Fan Rotom, not sure yet.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and perhaps even respond!
2x Zangoose (Team Up) (You can use Counter Gain instead of attaching an Energy.)
3x [P] Rotom (Forbidden Light) ([P] type gives access to Spell Tag.)
3x Fan Rotom (Ultra Prism) (Zero retreat cost, and 20 spread damage.)
1x Mow Rotom (Ultra Prism) (Discards Special Energy.)
1x Heat Rotom (Ultra Prism) (This could be cut for something else.)
4x Jirachi (Team Up) (You're using Tools anyway, so Escape Board.)
2-2x Zebstrika (Lost Thunder) (Discards your Tools.)
18 Pokémon
(Use more Tools than you need so you can discard them, as well as increase your odds of discarding many of them with Zangoose.)
4x Choice Band
4x Escape Board
4x Spell Tag
4x Counter Gain (The first knock out will likely be your Jirachi.)
2x Poison Barb (Just to pad out the Tool lineup. You could use 4 of these and 1 Seviper if you wanted.)
18 tools
2x Shrine of Memories
4x Switch (Allows you to use multiple Jirachi per turn.)
4x Nest Ball (Jirachi and Zangoose.)
4x Ultra Ball (Zebstrika will give you draw power every turn.)
1x Rescue Stretcher
2x Sightseer (Discards Tools.)
4x Lillie (4 for seeing it turn 1.)
1x Guzma
2x Bill's Analysis (If you got Non-Tools you can take, and know you will use Zangoose that turn, shuffle back as many Tools as possible to improve your odds of discarding them with Zangoose.)
24 non-tool trainers
So the general idea is setup with Jirachi and end the turn using Zangoose's attack for even more setup. Then, soften them up with Fan Rotom and Shrine. Finally, sweep with [P] Rotom and Spell Tag.
You could use the [L] Rotom with Electropower and the Blitzle whose first attack searches 2 Electropower, however Electropower isn't a Tool, and Spell Tag is, and the deck seems too crowded to fit both.
Edit: Removed the 2 Energy for more Trainers. Just use Counter Gain for Zangoose.
Need to find room for another Guzma, perhaps another Rescue Stretcher, and a 3rd Shrine. Might want to add another Mow Rotom or [P] Rotom in place of the 3rd Fan Rotom, not sure yet.
Thanks in advance for taking the time to read this and perhaps even respond!
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