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Round V2 (Seimitoad / Meloetta EX)


I am Neos. Who are you?

  • 4 Tympole
    4 Palpitoad
    4 Seismitoad
    4 Meloetta EX

  • 4 Professor Sycamore
    2 Skyla
    2 N
    2 Pokemon Fan Club
    2 Colress
    2 Shauna
    4 Ultra Ball
    4 Rare Candy
    2 Great Ball
    2 Bicycle
    2 Muscle Band
    2 Silver Bangle
    2 Switch
    1 Sacred Ash
    1 Escape Rope
    1 Startling Megaphone
    1 Computer Search

  • 4 DCE
    4 Psychic Energy

The strategy is quite simple. Get Seimitoad up front on possibly turn 2, and have a DCE on him. Have a full bench of pokemon. Almost all pokemon in this deck have round so tthat will power up the seismitoad. The maximum damage he can hit is 180. Or 200 with muscle band. This deck is a really simple deck to use and is really powerful.
RE: Round V2 (Seimitoad/Meloetta EX)

Wow, nice, thanks for this listing!

The best thing is I already have 90% of this deck, so I don't need to buy many more cards :)

I will try to get this working asap.
RE: Round V2 (Seimitoad/Meloetta EX)

Luxiel said:
Wow, nice, thanks for this listing!

The best thing is I already have 90% of this deck, so I don't need to buy many more cards :)

I will try to get this working asap.

Aw, your lucky, I need to buy everything except 2 palpitoad and psychic energy. Ughhh
RE: Round V2 (Seimitoad/Meloetta EX)

Neos said:
Aw, your lucky, I need to buy everything except 2 palpitoad and psychic energy. Ughhh

I bought myself a LTR booster box back in January... it got me 4 of each frog plus 4 Meloetta EX... Since they don't have much of a market value, I figured I could build a Round-based deck...

As for the Trainers, most of them are in use in my Ballistoise, but I can share them with this deck... I can't play both at the same time, you know :)
isnt clogging 3 pokemon fan club? I mean , im playing the deck now with level balls etc, but i think pfc can clog the supporter line at 3
So many Black Kyurem avatars... xDD

stormESP said:
isnt clogging 3 pokemon fan club? I mean , im playing the deck now with level balls etc, but i think pfc can clog the supporter line at 3

And well, I'm assuming that this build is to be used after the BCR-On Rotation takes place. But I somewhat agree with this, 3 Fan Club can be very clunky. Maybe you can:

-2 Pokémon Fan Club
-1 Skyla
+3 Great Ball

This suggestion would have been INSANE last format, but now that neither Heavy Ball or Level Ball are going to be present, this is not a bad call, it's worth the shot. Let me know what you think! :D
Not bad , gonna try the great balls, but for me at this moment PFC is good at 2, so much needed the first/second turn for fast and hardcore setup.
Also , yeah , black kyurem is the coolest pokemon xD

Hey, now, try to keep this discussion on the deck guys. It's getting kinda derailed.

Neos said:

Slowy but surely, we will take'em all to join the BLACK side! (Wait, that is racist)...

How fast can this be set up? I mean, should I focus on getting Seismitoad to hit and have a Meloetta ready to rumble just in case or is it the other way around?

Also, what are your thoughts on adding a couple Seismitoad EX in there to stall until you have an Round army?
Luxiel said:
Neos said:

Slowy but surely, we will take'em all to join the BLACK side! (Wait, that is racist)...

How fast can this be set up? I mean, should I focus on getting Seismitoad to hit and have a Meloetta ready to rumble just in case or is it the other way around?

Also, what are your thoughts on adding a couple Seismitoad EX in there to stall until you have an Round army?
That is up to you to add Seismitoad EX my friend. And this deck sets up really quick. I play tested it and got a turn 2 120 Round. So this deck is pretty fast. I am going to build this deck, it is the cheapest and best deck out there at only $80 :D
Mewtwo Ex can be better than seismitoad EX and even then i dont recommend you adding it, the bench space is so important in this deck, i ran mewtwo ex when i first made the deck , buts its incosistent, gives your opponent 2 prizes and wastes your so needed for seismitoad DCEs enegies
I agree. The pokemon line-up in this deck shouldnt really be changed because they all work together.
Fine then, you all made me curious to see if it is worth it... Gonna build this up too.