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Royal Heal [Serperior/Reuniclus] for Nationals

Captain Pidgey

Just Brave Bird everything!!!
Hey everyone! It's captain.mongoose here with a deck for everyone to critique. I have been testing this, and I really enjoy it, it walls everything that can't one-shot it, and it's been a blast with testing. So, here it is!

4 Snivy (Promo BW06)
3 Servine (3/114)
4 Serperior (Royal Heal)
2 Solosis
2 Duosion
2 Reuniclus (Damage Swap)
4 Cleffa
1 Caterpie
1 Metapod

Pokemon: 23

4 Pokemon Collector
4 Pokemon Communication
4 Plus Powers
4 Junk Arm
3 Rare Candy
2 Switch
2 Professor Elm's Training Method
2 Professor Oak's New Theory
1 Alth Lithograph 4
1 Flowershop Lady

T/S/S: 27

10 Grass Energy

Energy: 10

Total: 60

The basic idea of the deck is to tank, and with 130 HP, Serperior can do just that. With two Serperior and Reuniclus in play (and a couple of Cleffas on the bench), I can heal off all the damage that gets done to me. If they can't OHKO my active, it's completely healed before my opponent gets another turn. Metapod is a counter for Reshiram.

maybe add

-1 Royal Heal serp
+1 Leaf Storm serp (to heal 20 dmg off the other 3 serp tanks)

-2 Cleffa
+1-1 Sunflora HGSS (his poke-power will greatly speed up your set up)
(you could even -4 cleffa if you really fear tyrogue and +2-2 Sunflora)

you have to be aware that your deck has 7 basic pokemon at 30 hp, so tyrogue is not going to be very friendly to you, running 4 cleffas can be great but it can also be risky especially when you run 3 other basics at 30hp, because you have a higher chance of ending up with an unlucky draw and early end to your game. You are going to really have to be cautious of Tyrogue if you roll with this set up hes become the flavor of the month since everyones running some kind of baby. Normally I would be okay with Cleffa but since you do have 2 Solo and 1 Caterpie you might not wanna go with 4 of them, 2 would be okay though. I would definitely add Sunflora to increase the speed.
Having 2 of a starter is generally a bad idea.

Replacing it with two one ofs is also usually a bad idea.