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Royal Zekromiclus (HGSS-On)


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon (18)
2-1-2 Serperior Ability BW
2-1-2 Reuniclus BW
3 Bouffalant BW
3 Zekrom BW
1-1 Tentacruel

T/S/S (16 + 9 = 25)
1 Fisherman HGSS
3 Pokemon Collector HGSS
2 Interviewer's Questions UL
1 Flower Shop Lady UD
1 Twins TRMPH
2 Professor Juniper BW

3 Pokemon Communication HGSS
1 Switch HGSS
3 rare candy UL
1 Revive BW
1 Super Scoop Up BW

Energies (17)
2 Rescue Energies
8 {L}
3 Rainbow Energies

Bring Zekrom out fast(rescue, Pkm Collector,Revive etc)
Have buffalants waiting on the bench if Zekrom dies (DCE usefull for them).
Reuniclus to move counters around depending the situation: Either for Zekrom to manipulate his 1st skill, either to save buffalant after his 1st attack(does 90dmg KOes defending but gets counter dmg from new probably set up pokemon)
And Royal heal to generally heal all the moved spread dmg Counters
Tentacruel Donphan Tech

Thanks looking forward hearing you thoughts!

(-) 1-1-0 Serperior
(-) 0-1-0 Serperior
(-) 1 Copycat HGSS
(-) 1 Emcee's Chatter UL
(-) 1 Engineer's Adjustments UL
(-) 1 Black belt TRMPH
(-) 1 Full heal BW
(-) 1 PokeBall BW
(-) 1 Pokemon Circulator UL
(+) 1-1 Tentacruel
(+) 3 Rainbow Energies
(+) 3 PONT
(+) 1 Pokemon Collector
(+) 1 Rare Candy
think about what t/s/s you need the MOST for this SPECIFIC deck. if they're spread out like that then you'll rarely get exactly what you need. things like copycat, emcee chatter, engineer's adjustments, pokeball, circulator, fisherman and black belt you don't really need. replace those with more pokemon communication, pokemon collector, rare candy, PONT and juniper. you have two sets of stage 2's to get setup, so getting the pokemon you need as quickly as possible is ideal, hence the more communication and collector. then more candies will help with getting them evolved a turn earlier, and without having to find a stage 1 as well. PONT and juniper help with getting a better hand as quickly as possible, because time is not on your side with 2 stage 2's.

you could go 2-1-2 with reuniclus and serperior, freeing up 3 spaces to put towards more of the t/s I mentioned earlier for even more consistency. with rare candy you'll be able to get them evolved just fine. you only need one reuniclus out anyway, so if you need to, just use a rare candy on a serperior and you'll still have a straight 1-1-1 line setup for reuniclus and the second serperior. and that way there'll be a better of what pokemon you draw as well. instead of sitting around with a few snivies, a bouffalant and duosion, and scrambling to stall while you try to get the other pokemon to setup. don't let that "extra card for the opponent if you don't start with a basic the first time" thing scare you...sometimes they don't draw and even if they do, then it's ok because you're still more likely to start with a better hand anyway. and with 10 basics, 1/6 of your deck is a starting pokemon. and you're drawing 7 cards, so you'll almost always start with a basic anyway, statistically.
Take out chatter, engineers, black belt and full heal. To add two rainbow and a 1-1 tentacrule line for a donphan counter. I run him in my cinccino deck. Works well. Also if you can take out pokeball for a collector. More consistent than pokeball. And take out circulator for a revive. A second revive is more useful in this deck. Good Luck
yeah sadly tentacruel is the best because of it's attack that costs all colorless, but when using it for it's purpose, it'll do 80 to donphan and 100 to machamp. so it's pretty good for this deck.
Just so you know, you keep Tentacruel in your hand with cool on the bench. Then you send out cool to active attach the rainbow and evolve then attack with his first attack. Then next turn you attach the dce and knock out donphan
I have problem with zoroark...he has faster set up and with dark special energies he KO me. I also don't find revive helpful. If I use will be once in the game. Because with reuniclus I don't die much and I have Rescue energy too. What about adding defenders? And maybe add again circulator? Also Juniper doesn't help me a lot...
With this deck you revenge kill zoroark with a bouffalant. That's how you counter him. Ok and you have too much draw power. Take out two junipers (or two oaks or one of each) to add a fourth zekrom and another rainbow energy. Or add two energy exchangers to help you get that one exact energy you need.