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RoyalGrowth (Tangrowth/Serperior) Any


See you space cowboy...
20 Pokemon
4-3-1 Tangrowth X (2 Grind/1 Arceus/ 1 X)
2-1-2 Serperior BW
2-2 Sunflora HGSS
3 Smeargle UD (or Celebi prime?)

21 TSS
3 Collector
2 Bebe
3 Professor Juniper b/w
2 I.Q
1 Twins
2 Expert Belt
3 Switch
2 Pokemon Communication
2 Rare Candy
1 Palmer's

19 Energy
13 Grass
3 Rescue


The basic strategy of this deck is to get a whole bunch grass energies in your hand by just drawing into them or using Interviewer's questions and discard them with Juniper. Then get them back with Tangrowth X's big growth then grind for damage. Sunflora to help search for cards, serperior to heal and can be an attacker.

Id start setting up the AR tangrowth first just to be able to attack quicker then set up a Grind-Tangrowth on the bench and level it up.

Rescue energy to keep my lvl X, DCE for AR tangrowth and to help power up Grind.

Any help will be appreciated!
RE: RoyalGrowth (Tangrowth/Serperior) Any (Needs division in title)

Celebi Prime would be nice, but you would have to run Unown Q. Maybe 1 Smeargle and 2 Celebi?

You should run one or two Black Belt, since Tangrowth is slow and will often be behind in prizes at the beginning. You can definitely drop a Grass Energy for one, maybe something else for another.

That's my two cents. :p
RE: RoyalGrowth (Tangrowth/Serperior) Any (Needs division in title)

landmin aka Shaymin LVX would be really good in this deck it will give tangrowth lv x a potential hp at 190 with a belt. Also you might want to run 1-0-1 Exploud line. Because with the release of BW fire will be really big.
I'm acctually against the Interviewers Questions. And I only have one multi-part reason.

a) In my Tankgrowth I never draw into them, even when I had 4.
b) It wastes the supporter slot when you can draw into them anyway.

So in replacement of those my changes here look like this:

-2 Interviewers Questions
+1 DCE (consistency)
+1 Pokemon Communication (you want to search for Sunflora and Sunkern incase of a bad start)

I see no reason for these, unless you can explain it to me.

3 Switch.

You can retreat the active pokemon (even if its Tangrowth, however with this list I see no point in switching), thus puting Energy in your discard, which you can Big Growth later. So heres my suggestion for such a situation (this is merely advice, you dont have to take it :))

-3 Switch
+3 Professor Oaks Visit

You seem to be able to draw into the Energy you need with your list, but not enough power to get them out. This is why Professor Oaks Visit is here. Draw 3 and put a useless card for that turn or at all in any case, on the bottom of your deck. Usefull for geting rid of lets say a Bebes Search in a case where Sunflora is out.

Other than that, solid list.

@ Yoshidude10: When played right, Tangrowth isn't slow.
^By slow, I meant Tangrowth is often behind in prizes, which is why I suggest to run Black Belt.

All of GIP's changes look good to me. Most Tangrowth players I've played use Warp Energy to give Grind an extra boost, then bring in a free retreat Pokemon (like a Q'ed Sunflora), then retreat it and bring in Growth again.

I do agree that Tangrowth is fast when played right, but when you don't have the right consistency, it is hard to win with this deck.

-1 Rescue Energy (2 should be enough)
+1 Warp Energy (explained in post)