RR prerelease weirdness


3nd coming
So the RR PR was my first tournament so I didn't really think much of it (I was too busy being swindled out of my sleeves), but the organizer told us we could use as many keckleons in our prerelease decks as we wanted, does anybody else remember this/ know why? Was this rule present at all RR PR's or just mine?
In most pre-releases (I say most because I can't be 100% certain that they all do this, although it is likely), you are allowed to use as many copies of a card as you pull in your 6 packs. Most of the time, this means less than 4, but in the rare case you get 5 or more of the same card, you are free to put them all in your deck.

As for the reason? I'm not sure; I just know that sealed events for any game have the same rule and it's been this way for as long as I've been playing.
Yeah, it's kinda weird, but that's how the prereleases work. Otherwise if you got 10 of 1 card, and you can only use 4, you would be using 60% energy.
It depends on the tornament organizers. Some will go by the ruling that you can use as many of the same card as you want, but some organizers(like mine), will tell you that you can only have 4 maximum of one card in your deck.
huh. I never knew that about other events, cuz she's never let us use more than four of anything else, it was just keckleon that one time.
In every single one of my Prereleases, this has never happened. >_< I'm surprised I've never heard about this. It's tough, and very lame, getting five of a card in six packs, which is probably why they added the little bonus in there.
Maybe she just used Keckelon as an example? Whenever an organizer has explained this rule at prereleases I've gone too, they tend to use an example from the set like "So if you got 8 Keckeleons, you can use 8 Keckleons in your deck."
^Oh yea, never thought about that. That's what my local tourney organizer says, every time there's a prerelease. But she uses the same example each time.
This is actually a rule for the Limited format. There specifically is NO limit on the number of a specific card you can play.

Those TOs that are limiting are not properly running their limited event.