RSE/FRLG RSE Remakes!!!? :D


Who else can't wait for the remakes!!! Talk about how much you loved these games, if you think there will or will not be a remake of it, and anything else you think we should talk about :D

I can't wait for them!!! It was my favorite game, Ruby. I loved how there were just so many unneed areas and how big it was. Truns out there wer only two gates threw out the whole game!!! I was like what?! No way. But yes way! It's true. I hope in the remakes they don't mess with that. It makes it stand out from the other pokemon games, specially B/W! There's no where not important in those games. I also loved the soundtrack for hoenn! It was great!!! But maybe too great since I could still hear it even if the volume was off. o_O Or that could just be from playing it too much...
Anyways, I hope you all are as excideceted it about it as i am!!! :D
RE: RBE Remakes!!! :D

I'm reasonably exciting, I had fun with Sapphire, but you might want to change the title to RSE remakes. Sapphire starts with S....
RE: RBE Remakes!!! :D

Wait, is there definite news of remakes? I didn't catch it...
If so, cool. Hoenn was cool.

If it's not set in stone yet, it very well could be true--there are several signs in the BW dialogue. However, it might not be, as there are no Gen III-exclusive Pokémon anymore, IIRC.
RE: RBE Remakes!!! :D

Wait, what reason do you have to think that there will be RSE remixes? Other than the trend of remakes, there is no reason to believe that these games exist...
RE: RSE Remakes!!! :D

Dark Void said:
I'm reasonably exciting, I had fun with Sapphire, but you might want to change the title to RSE remakes. Sapphire starts with S....

Haha I failed xD Sorry about that. *chages title*

42 chocolate said:
Wait, is there definite news of remakes? I didn't catch it...
If so, cool. Hoenn was cool.

If it's not set in stone yet, it very well could be true--there are several signs in the BW dialogue. However, it might not be, as there are no Gen III-exclusive Pokémon anymore, IIRC.

6-Dimension said:
Wait, what reason do you have to think that there will be RSE remixes? Other than the trend of remakes, there is no reason to believe that these games exist...

No... Nothing OFFICAL has been said yet.. :'( But knowing TPC... ^_^" they tend to keep to tradtion. So yeah there more than likly will be a rse remake.