Community RSS Feeds Broken


Missing Mew Vmax

Apologies if this is not the correct place. I've tried asking in Discord but no reply.
After the last site maintenance (I guess April 13 2024?) homepage RSS feed stopped working.

Before maintenance, I've set up an RSS feed to only fetch homepage news, and not forums, and it worked flawlessly. Now, the RSS feed fetches new posts from forums, which I don't want. I've set up a custom RSS feed at, which fetches front page news but fetches them in a forum format (see screenshot attached, the "Click to expand" part wasn't there before) and RSS feed updates the timestamp of the post whenever a reply is posted, which is undesirable.

Is there a way to correctly fetch only homepage news, without them getting their timestamps updated whenever a reply is posted?


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Apologies if this is not the correct place. I've tried asking in Discord but no reply.
After the last site maintenance (I guess April 13 2024?) homepage RSS feed stopped working.

Before maintenance, I've set up an RSS feed to only fetch homepage news, and not forums, and it worked flawlessly. Now, the RSS feed fetches new posts from forums, which I don't want. I've set up a custom RSS feed at, which fetches front page news but fetches them in a forum format (see screenshot attached, the "Click to expand" part wasn't there before) and RSS feed updates the timestamp of the post whenever a reply is posted, which is undesirable.

Is there a way to correctly fetch only homepage news, without them getting their timestamps updated whenever a reply is posted?
Did you ever get this to work?
I'm also looking for a rss feed and i usually use pokebeach to keep up on the news, so it would be awesome if this issue is solved
I wanted to bring this up as well! I use a feed reader because I don't really use social media and don't want to be checking in on a news website every day. I also haven't been able to find any alternative feeds for Pokemon TCG news and I otherwise prefer Pokebeach, so having one would be extremely helpful!
- created this post
- created a post under @Water Pokémon Master ’s profile
- asked multiple times in discord
- sent an email to [email protected] (I encourage everyone to do so)

It’s been 9 months or so since my first attempt and no luck, no one replies. This is a real shame because Pokebeach is an extremely valuable platform and I’m learning quite a lot from here, I’d like to become a paid member to access full articles but no way I’m paying if that’s the attitude I’m getting. I’m not even saying they have to fix this issue, I could just accept “sorry, can’t fix :(“ reply at this point.
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It looks like they might have quietly fixed their RSS feed! I just tested it myself and it seems like we can get the home page news :>
This is a super frustrating change they've made. Does anyone know how to get their attention pointed at this to fix it? I do not need a new feed alert whenever someone comments on a front-page item. It is obnoxious and almost makes it unusable.
Came back to check on this. Sad state this is still broken I'm not sure what changed but this was the only Pokémon tcg rss resource. We don't need everybody's posts on the front page.
Although I still think the feed is not optimal, you can filter out the posts, filter for the ones that has "Front Page News" in their category tag