Rule change thoughts.


Aspiring Trainer
I played some magic with a friend of mine.

It got me to thinking, what if pokemon TCG had either of these two rules (or both)?

1. No more than seven cards in your hand at the end of your turn. Discard excess cards.

2. Deck size could be any number you wanted as long as it was a multiple of ten. And you lay out one prize card for every ten cards in your deck

My only real thoughts on these are it would weaken Ninetales a little bit, and you might have to limit how small a deck can get. You could make a ten card ZPS deck that only had to get one prize.

1 Zekrom
1 Pachi
1 Shaymin
1 Sages Training
1 Switch
1 NRG search
1 Plus Power
3 Lightning NRG

Which would be AWESOME, but broken. Feel free to comment on my ten card ZPS just for fun.

No flames, I'm not advocating rule change, this is just a 'what if' kinda post
Rule 1: would make Fire decks a little bit better (get Fire Energy in the discard to accelerate with) but won't have much impact on other decks. Name 1 deck that has 7 cards in hand constantly and is not Fire. That's right, there's none.

Rule 2: there's already no good reason to play more than 60 (same in Magic btw) because your deck's stability will suffer from it, and the prize penalty makes it even worse. Playing less than 60 against an opponent who plays 60 is incredibly unbalanced. The prize advantage would be ridiculous. Donking would dominate.

I am disappointed you didn't mention one other mechanic of MtG: the sideboard. I'd definitely like a sideboard in Pokémon. Techs like Lost Remover and Serperior are not always good enough to mainboard, but would be great in sideboard.
With the ZPS, you have a 6 tenths chance that one of the cards you need will be prized. I'd do 2 Zekrom, 2 Pachirisu, 2 Shaymin, and 4 Lightning Energy instead. 0% chance of being unable to do it due to prizes. Like the post above, the first rule would have no effect on anything but fire, although it would limit ninetales's power since you might be forced to over-discard. However, it still wouldn't matter much. And, the second rule would be terrible. The game would be over. 10 card donk decks would rule everything. There would be no fun in playing.
@Dark Void, good point i didn't even think about the dumb prize card, lol. And yeah, ten card donk would be terrible.

@Stealthangel667, well, I have read up on the topic and I was under the impression that the topic had been done to death and that nobody wanted side board

how many cards would a side board be in pokemon anyway?
Minty88 said:
I played some magic with a friend of mine.

It got me to thinking, what if pokemon TCG had either of these two rules (or both)?

1. No more than seven cards in your hand at the end of your turn. Discard excess cards.

2. Deck size could be any number you wanted as long as it was a multiple of ten. And you lay out one prize card for every ten cards in your deck

My only real thoughts on these are it would weaken Ninetales a little bit, and you might have to limit how small a deck can get. You could make a ten card ZPS deck that only had to get one prize.

1 Zekrom
1 Pachi
1 Shaymin
1 Sages Training
1 Switch
1 NRG search
1 Plus Power
3 Lightning NRG

Which would be AWESOME, but broken. Feel free to comment on my ten card ZPS just for fun.

No flames, I'm not advocating rule change, this is just a 'what if' kinda post

Actually...that list would fail xD. If only 1 lightning is prized or any of the poke you lose pretty much automatically.

That rule change sounds....

1 Eh sure but decks with Ninetails would suffer...heck Ninetails wouldn't be played as much. Anything that lets you draw mass amounts wouldn't be played...because it would just make you discard mass amounts because of all the cards in hand...and make you deck out...

2 That doesn't change how fast you get set up so the system would be totally broken....very very broken.
Not to mention 10 card decks that missed the donk opportunity all the other opponent had to do is stall. Play that one susupporter that no one uses that makes each person draw 2 cards. I'm pretty sure that exists right ? And whoever sad you had a 6/10 chance of having a card you need prized I think your math is off. 6 prizes out of 60 is 1/10. Each card you run 4 of has a 1 in 15 of being prized it really isnt that bad
GyaradosPrime said:
Not to mention 10 card decks that missed the donk opportunity all the other opponent had to do is stall. Play that one susupporter that no one uses that makes each person draw 2 cards. I'm pretty sure that exists right ? And whoever sad you had a 6/10 chance of having a card you need prized I think your math is off. 6 prizes out of 60 is 1/10. Each card you run 4 of has a 1 in 15 of being prized it really isnt that bad

Um...what? The only supporter that lets your opponent draw in this format is Cheerleader's Cheer, which makes you draw 3 and gives the opponent the option of drawing one. So you'd deck out first. And I have no clue what you were refering to with the last few sentences. If you have a ten card deck, 1 card that will be prized, and 6 cards that can't be prized for you to win, there is a 6 tenths chance that one of those 6 cards will be prized. We weren't talking about a 60 card deck at all, which you'd know if you'd read the post more carefully...
Dark Void said:
Um...what? The only supporter that lets your opponent draw in this format is Cheerleader's Cheer, which makes you draw 3 and gives the opponent the option of drawing one. So you'd deck out first. And I have no clue what you were refering to with the last few sentences. If you have a ten card deck, 1 card that will be prized, and 6 cards that can't be prized for you to win, there is a 6 tenths chance that one of those 6 cards will be prized. We weren't talking about a 60 card deck at all, which you'd know if you'd read the post more carefully...

Well, there is Mismagius UD, which makes both players draw 3:


Both players HAVE to in this instance.
I like the idea of a 7 card hand size, it'd make things just a bit more entertaining. But if you were to do that, you'd have to create an ability on a pokemon that gives you unlimited hand size. Venser's Journal an artifact in Magic has this.

Any size deck, I'm saying nah on that one. Because atleast in competitive magic, it's a 60 card deck still. Unless you're playing EDH/Commander, then its a 100 card deck with 1 general, so 101 cards total. But in EDH its a bit more entertaining due to limiting cards to 1 copy per deck.

Now heres a magic thing that would be nice to see make its way to pokemon, the side board. In magic, players are allowed to have a 15 card side board along with their 60 card deck. And are allowed to switch cards out of the deck with the side board between matches.So it allows to have extra techs against the meta in that space.
.::n00bmuffin::. said:
Well, there is Misdreavus UD, which makes both players draw 3

Both players HAVE to in this instance.

>_> Mismagius... you make me cry

Misdreavus deck...deck would be pretty awesome. They think they are really awesome with there 20 card deck. Go in with a 100 card deck 96 energy and 4 Misdreavus...that would be like Mulligan Mewtwo in a way xD
Except if you go second you lose since the opponent would be using Zekrom and they would Bolt Strike you for the first turn kill.
"2. Deck size could be any number you wanted as long as it was a multiple of ten. And you lay out one prize card for every ten cards in your deck"

3 Tyrogue, 4 Pluspower, 3 Black Belt.

You put out 1 prize, compared to your opponent's whatever. You proceed to be able to blackbelt turn 1 due to having less prizes.

You are basically going to be able to black belt 3 turns in a row, realistically. That's 70 damage per turn before counting pluspowers, with only 1 prize.
Jahikoi said:
"2. Deck size could be any number you wanted as long as it was a multiple of ten. And you lay out one prize card for every ten cards in your deck"

3 Tyrogue, 4 Pluspower, 3 Black Belt.

You put out 1 prize, compared to your opponent's whatever. You proceed to be able to blackbelt turn 1 due to having less prizes.

You are basically going to be able to black belt 3 turns in a row, realistically. That's 70 damage per turn before counting pluspowers, with only 1 prize.

Black Belt activates when you have more prizes that your opponent, not less. Still it would be a stupid rule.
Rule 1 sounds like it won't make much of an an impact since it will affect only a few decks (although as people have said there are decks that can abuse this). Rule 2 sounds like it'll be harder to enforce (how can you tell at a glance a deck has 10x cards) and could possibly be easily abused by playing small decks. It's a nice idea but if anything you would probably need a minimum deck size with it (I believe with Magic a standard deck has to be at least 60 and you have to be able to shuffle it without aid).

As for Sideboarding, it would be cool but in reality, most (if not all) matches outside of top cut are single games. Sideboarding works in best of 3 once you know what your opponent is playing and you can alter your deck to make it perform better against threats you'll be likely to encounter. Also since there's a much larger card pool for Magic then for Pokemon, there are a lot more threats that can stop a deck and a lot of different ways to prevent them. With Pokemon, there are fewer threats and at best sideboarding would most likely be just adding in whatever your opponent has a x2 weakness to.

Also, imagine if Luxchomp had a would be almost unstoppable.
TragicTheSaddening said:
As for Sideboarding, it would be cool but in reality, most (if not all) matches outside of top cut are single games. Sideboarding works in best of 3 once you know what your opponent is playing and you can alter your deck to make it perform better against threats you'll be likely to encounter. Also since there's a much larger card pool for Magic then for Pokemon, there are a lot more threats that can stop a deck and a lot of different ways to prevent them. With Pokemon, there are fewer threats and at best sideboarding would most likely be just adding in whatever your opponent has a x2 weakness to.

Also, imagine if Luxchomp had a would be almost unstoppable.

Luxchomp technically was already unstoppable. Theres a reason it won worlds last year while being the first ever to be undefeated in the swiss rounds.