I have been trying for the last couple of weeks to acquire copies of the rulebooks of the past (and from the beginnings, ie. Base Set) for my own research purposes, mainly to assemble a thorough listing of how the rules have changed and how the new rules were introduced during the lifetime of this game. I wrote to Nintendo as well as Wizards. Wizards said that they can’t provide me with the past copies since they sold absolutely everything to Nintendo. Nintendo, in turn, said “we have the last rulebook online, and nothing else. And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Pokémon players, and that I am the NINTENDO your God, and none else: and my people shall never play old crap.” Or something along the lines. Basically, they seem to say that they don’t care about anything of the past.
Since _I_ care about it though, I would like to humbly ask any member of the site/team: would you be able to provide me with said (scanned or photographed) rulebooks of yore? If Nintendo so massively doesn’t care about the rulebooks (and I would be hard-pressed to see why Wizards would care any longer, actually), then they probably would not mind anyone getting access to that information.
Thank you
Since _I_ care about it though, I would like to humbly ask any member of the site/team: would you be able to provide me with said (scanned or photographed) rulebooks of yore? If Nintendo so massively doesn’t care about the rulebooks (and I would be hard-pressed to see why Wizards would care any longer, actually), then they probably would not mind anyone getting access to that information.
Thank you