Ruling rules questions 2


Aspiring Trainer
what happens if with junk arm, discard one card, I can switch to another of my hand?

¿I can change the basic pokemon collector sought for, before the 3 CHOOSE?

on the previous post.

if time is running out of the game, in my turn, I can attack? or the game ends without attacking?

greetings and thanks for the time
For Junk Arm, you discard the 2 cards before picking up the Trainer. You can debate on what cards to discard, and keep them off to the side while doing so. Just don't be hasty in your decision with Junk Arm. You can change your mind, BUT only when you're still using Junk Arm's effect.

As for Collector, you can search your deck for some basics, but it is acceptable to change your mind and search for a different basic (provided you put another one back in, and you take no more than 3 total).

As I explained before, you can attack even when Time is called, just so long as it's your turn.