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Aspiring Trainer
Don't you just hate it when a rumor spreads in your school or somewhere else though it isn't true, but people believe it? Tell us some of your friends or random people that told their friends a rumor about you that wasn't true here.
Because i hang out with a lot of girls, i just connect with them better, people thought that i wasn't straight. Very annoying but then a got a Girlfriend and rubbed the people who started the rumors face in it.
^Dude, that describes me pretty much exactly...
Well, I ignore almost all of it, and pride myself in the fact that 90% of the people who think I'm gay (or even call me gay to my face) won't even go to college, and may work minimum wage the rest of their lives. In the big picture, I don't care what they think, because people I'm not friends with don't matter to me at all.
If you ignore rumors, it's easier than paying attention to them. Let people think what they want. Prove them wrong.
A lot of people at my school called me gay because I hang around with 2 guys inparticular, outside of school I hang around with my girlfriend and a mixed group of male and female friends. So I just ignore the rumors.

Also the people that started the me being gay rumor dry humped each other in class. Now whose the gay?
I hang out with a lot of girls too and people think I'm gay. Or maybe it's because of my love for Gaga? Or because I'm not afraid to act like an idiot in public? Anyways, it doesn't bother me because I know I have friends who care about me. I could care less when I'm around any of my friends. :D

PS: I'm liking the sig EPM.
Thanks Mudkip.

Some people think I'm gay because I like Lady Gaga. Girls love boy music, though why can't boys love girl music.
People have called me stupid just because I hang around people who act dumb to be funny. I despise them and if they need help, I just ignore them.
I get called gay because I don't want a girlfriend, and personally don't think girls are worth the hassle (honestly no offense to any females out there). I also am not a fan of football, am more mature than most people at my school, like to play golf, don't know most crude terms people use, don't care about the crude terms people use, play the violin, make people laugh by acting like an idiot sometimes, enjoy reading, I am socially reclusive (don't like people), don't care about the romantical crap teenagers are for some reason obsessed with, don't want a girlfriend (like previously stated), and generally rather oblivious other human beings. I don't know why that makes me "gay", but I don't really care.
^ Same here, i sorta dont want a gf, but i do. And i dont have one because i like my friends but once in the friend zone,never out of it. So its a problem.
Hahahaha, man, me and LORDY JONES and Vulpix Yolk, we've had fun times with rumors, oh man. Like the time LJ and I hacked VY's Facebook and spread the rumor he liked some dumb girl. Or the time Vulpix Yolk and Donqueen14 spread the rumor I liked the same dumb girl. Ooh, or the time, well, there've been quite a few times. All of them equally funny. And its all especially funny because none of us have any chance with any girl. At any time. Ever.
I hate it when people think I'm a wannabe because I have a fauxhawk. I actually like the style lol. I also hate it when people spread that I like someone I don't, that gets annoying fast.
Heh. Another one for the "I don't want a gf" club. Someobdy actually legitametely asked me if I was gay. I was kind of confused at first, but I see where they get the question, because I don't want a girlfriend right now. The rumors don't bother me too much, as long as people aren't up in my face about it. Plus, I have lots of cool friends anyways, and they all know the rumors aren't true.
Mudkip said:
I hang out with a lot of girls too and people think I'm gay. Or maybe it's because of my love for Gaga? Or because I'm not afraid to act like an idiot in public? Anyways, it doesn't bother me because I know I have friends who care about me. I could care less when I'm around any of my friends. :D

Same. Hurr. Mudkip, why do you know my life? xD
I hang out with a lot of girls (however, ever since I got my Xbox 360 I've been hanging out with a lot of guys more :x), so people jump to conclusions that I'm gay. The pot-smoking clique thought it'd be fun to spread that rumor around in eighth grade, and it makes me lol that people actually believe it D:< I'm just glad that it's dying down, now that people in my grade are actually learning to grow up...sort of. Meh. Never really bothered me all to much.
The good thing is that of it's a rumor about you, you either know it's true or it's false. I haven't had many rumors about me, as everyone knows I'd never want a relationship with anyone because I'm secluded generally.
*rubs hands* Excellent. This is exactly the type of thread that I'll excel in due my recent... Irritations.

So, seeing it is my first at Senior School/Whatever you Americans call it there were a bunch of new friends to make. I met Will and Rufus, two of the most irritating people I have ever met. Yes, we friends.

One lunctime they are out playing hockey, as I'm not particularly sporty. I was the first in the canteen/lunch hall as I tend to dump my bag outside rather than put it away. So, this girl who I know to be angry with me but just says hi. Eats her food and, made light conversation, when asked for as to why she sat on the same table as me she replies that I was the only one here.

I urge her away as this sort of issue has happened before but Will arrives early from hockey, and instantly gets his eleven year old brain in motion. He goes off, spreads a rumor that I like the girl and voilá.

No, I'm irritated with rumors. I've had plenty more but I'll save those for another day.
My best friend is gay and people spread this rumor that I was gay for hanging around him, which is not true. He's a funny guy. Is it impossible for two people to hang out because of different sexualitys? :\

My other best friend is Saudi Arabian. People spread this rumor that we're going to blow up stuff together because we have a different skin color (Well, I'm Chinese American. I don't get where people got the idea that Chinese people blow things up. >_> ) The rumor got pretty annoying until it just disappeared. :)

It seems must rumors happen based on the people you hang around with, which is kinda stupid imo.
@TDL, one of my friends is half black half arabic. Lolz. He's a really cool guy though, and no one ever makes fun of him like that.
For a while people thought I was a hermaphrodite.

When I started dating my girlfriend she was able to quell the rumor.
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