4 Sableye SF
1-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
1 Crobat G
1 Ambipom G
1 Bronzong G
1 Unown Q
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Azelf LA
1 Dragonite FB
Double Colorless-4
Lightning energy-3
Special Darkness-3
Cyrus's Conspiracy-4
Bebe's Search-1
Depatment Store Girl-3
Pokemon Collector-2
Professor Oak's New Theory-2
Aaron's Collection-1
Energy Gain-4
Poke Turn-4
SP Radar-2
Power Spray-4
Expert Belt-1
Luxury Ball-1
hopefully, sableye as starter, attach special dark and expert belt to sableye, then donk using new rules (trainers on turn 1), if that fails, then switch to basic luxchomp strategy (which almost everybody should know), and uxie lv.x for draw power, and department store girl to search out expert belt on first turn to make sableye donk (new rules also state that supporters can be used on turn1), so pretty much the only thing that players can't do on turn 1 from now is evolve, unless BTS is in play.
1-1 Luxray GL Lv.X
2-2 Garchomp C Lv.X
1 Crobat G
1 Ambipom G
1 Bronzong G
1 Unown Q
2-1 Uxie Lv.X
1 Azelf LA
1 Dragonite FB
Double Colorless-4
Lightning energy-3
Special Darkness-3
Cyrus's Conspiracy-4
Bebe's Search-1
Depatment Store Girl-3
Pokemon Collector-2
Professor Oak's New Theory-2
Aaron's Collection-1
Energy Gain-4
Poke Turn-4
SP Radar-2
Power Spray-4
Expert Belt-1
Luxury Ball-1
hopefully, sableye as starter, attach special dark and expert belt to sableye, then donk using new rules (trainers on turn 1), if that fails, then switch to basic luxchomp strategy (which almost everybody should know), and uxie lv.x for draw power, and department store girl to search out expert belt on first turn to make sableye donk (new rules also state that supporters can be used on turn1), so pretty much the only thing that players can't do on turn 1 from now is evolve, unless BTS is in play.