2-2 garchomp cx
2-2 blaziken fbx
4 sableye
1 smeargle
1 unown q
2 crobat g
2 chatot g
1 ambipom g
2 uxie
1 azelf
4 cyrus's con
2 cyrus's inn.
2 aarons
1 bebes
2 collectors
4 poketurn
3 power spray
3 nrg gain
3 sp radar
2 judge
2 nrg exchanger
2 sp dark
4 dce
2 fire
2 dark
strategy: start with sableye or smeargle and disrupt with chatot and inniciatives, and snipe with garchomp. Blaziken teck for dialgachomp and whatever else. All advice is appreciated
Please help me bump
2-2 blaziken fbx
4 sableye
1 smeargle
1 unown q
2 crobat g
2 chatot g
1 ambipom g
2 uxie
1 azelf
4 cyrus's con
2 cyrus's inn.
2 aarons
1 bebes
2 collectors
4 poketurn
3 power spray
3 nrg gain
3 sp radar
2 judge
2 nrg exchanger
2 sp dark
4 dce
2 fire
2 dark
strategy: start with sableye or smeargle and disrupt with chatot and inniciatives, and snipe with garchomp. Blaziken teck for dialgachomp and whatever else. All advice is appreciated
Please help me bump