I always wanted to make this deck so here it is:
4x Sableye
2x Garchomp C
2x Garchomp C Level X
1x Promocroak
1x Dragonite FB
1x Chatot G
2x Uxie (LA)
1x Unown Q
2x Crobat G
1x Bronzong G
1x Azelf(LA)
4x DCE
2x Special Dark
1x Psychic
2x Warp
4x Judge
4x Poke turn
4x Energy gain
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Cyrus's Initiative
3x Sp Radar
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Bebe's Search
2x Power Spray
2x Premier Ball
1x Luxury Ball
The point of this deck is to lock your opponent from using their resources, while you are taking prizes with Garchomp C Level X's Dragon Rush.
4x Sableye
2x Garchomp C
2x Garchomp C Level X
1x Promocroak
1x Dragonite FB
1x Chatot G
2x Uxie (LA)
1x Unown Q
2x Crobat G
1x Bronzong G
1x Azelf(LA)
4x DCE
2x Special Dark
1x Psychic
2x Warp
4x Judge
4x Poke turn
4x Energy gain
4x Cyrus's Conspiracy
3x Cyrus's Initiative
3x Sp Radar
3x Pokemon Collector
3x Bebe's Search
2x Power Spray
2x Premier Ball
1x Luxury Ball
The point of this deck is to lock your opponent from using their resources, while you are taking prizes with Garchomp C Level X's Dragon Rush.