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Aspiring Trainer
i really have no experience with sp.. so your suggestions will help alot.. ill try and justify my list haha

2-2 garchomp c
1-1 luxray gl
1-1 blaziken fb
4 smeargle
2 sableye
2 unknown q
1 crowbat g
2-1 uxie
1 ambipom g
1 lucario gl
1 chatot g
1 azelf

pokemon 24

4 cyrus's conspiracy
2 pokemon collectors
3 pokemon communications
3 energy gains
4 poke turns
3 power spray
2 sp radar
2 junk arms
2 cyrus's initative
1 judge
1 aron's collector
1 bebe's search

Total 28

2 electric
2 fire
4 dce
total 8

stategy: this deck apeals to the fact that almost everyone starts with a pokemon collector in their hand. even if i go first, i want to use smeargle search out a
unkown q, sableye and whatever else depending on their hand and use an apropriate supporter. the junk arms and pokecoms take in account all the extra smeargles ill be drawing and gives them a purpose. im a little shy about my dialga and luxray, and energy lines and would really like some advice there. i havent really tested this very much, but its a very versitile deck and it usually uses the oponents supporter and then destroys it on the same turn, and really can slow down your opponent while speeding you up.
Dialga is too slow to be run in Sablelock. Take out the 1-1 Dialga X for a 1-1 Blaziken (for dragging up benched pokemon), or 1-1 Honchkrow (high damage, great vs. SP, your only chance against Mewtwo X).
You also don't need any Smeargle. Sableye is a good enough starter, so you can drop them all for 2 more Sableye and 2 more Collectors.
hmm.. but smeargle lets you see your oponents hand first, allowing you to make a better choice about how to disrupt them with sableye, plus it means youl already have an smeargle with an unkown q ready for whenever anything is knocked out, letting you see the oponents hand, use their supporter, and then hopefully find a way to destroy it. i think it makes sense.
i don't understand sp pokemon either. but it seems like your running a somewhat... luxchump deck with disruption cards i would try to squeeze in a couple more judges take out a couple smeargles to run at least 3 sableye and some special dark energy for a donk at the start of the game
the dark energy is to tricky to search for. adding an ambipom for the donk potential
-1 letloose giratina
+1 ambipom g
and i like the 2 sableye, 4 smeargle. if sableock gets a bad start (and its difficult with 6 possible starters) then you have no control over the game
Might I suggest an Unown DARK with those Special Dark Energy?

Picture the set up. Start with Smeargle, Portrait a Collector. Search out Unown DARK, Unown Q, and Sableye. DARK to get a Special Dark, attach to Sableye, Q Smeargle, Retreat, and possibly Donk. Yeah, it might be unlikely, but it can help search out those Special Darks in a pinch.

dmaster out.
Agree with dmaster,

in a good starting scenario, against a high HP basic as opponent's active... My similar decklist has done the following.
Sableye, collector for 1(2) Crobat G, Unown Dark, (Uxie,Azelf, Chatot, Q.....) for successful KO next turn
what exactly is the rule with overconfident?? i mean sableye only has 60 health so its not exactly a gaurenteed donk even with the special dark. i can see if if the oponent has only one active pokemon. so are u sujjesting maybe removing the ambipom for an unkown dark and a special metal?? because the ambipom also counts towards the powerspray count, and wouldnt ever go for the sableye with the ukown d less it would win the game... hmm but what changes do u suggest to the list??
I'm talking about a situation where they would have a Basic Pokemon with 50 or less HP. Which is why I said it might be unlikely, but it's still an option.

dmaster out.
Your combining too many ideas at once. Dialgachomp, Luxchomp, and Sablelock. SP decks are supposed to focus on one main idea.
Alright, maybe use this straight-up Sablelock with Blaziken list:

4 Sableye SF
2-2 Garchomp C X
1-1 Blaziken FB X
1-1 Honchkrow SV
1 Azelf
2 Uxie
1 Promocroak
1 Unown Q
1 Dragonite FB
2 Crobat G
1 Chatot G

T/S/S (27):
4 Cyrus's Conspiracy
2 Cyrus's Iniative
2 Judge
2 Collector (I know, 2 is weird, but you can Impersonate for them or VS Seeker for them late game)
1 Bebe's
1 Aaron's
4 PokeTurn
3 SP Radar
3 Energy Gain
4 Power Spray
1 VS Seeker

3 Special Dark Energy
2 Dark Energy
1 Psychic Energy
2 Fire Energy

Hope I helped.