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SableTar (a Sablelock Varient) - Cities, Masters


Aspiring Trainer
Had this idea about a week back and just got done testing it against my GF's Vilegar and her Garydos Varient:

Pokemon 21:
3-2-3 Tyranitar Prime (Larvitar SF, Pupitar SF)
1 Honchkrow G
2 Crobat G
3 Unown (DARK)
4 Sableye SF
1 Uxie LA
1 Azelf LA
1 Spiritomb

T/S/S 29:
2 Judge
2 Cyrus's Initive
2 Cyrus' Conspiracy
2 Warp Point
2 Bebe's Search
4 Poke Turn
3 Rare Candy
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokemon Rescue
2 Pokemon Collector
2 Pokemon Circulator
2 Broken Time Space
1 Twins
1 Black Belt

Energy 10:
2 Double Collorless
2 Psychic
4 Special Darkness
2 Darkness

Basically the strategy is disruption early on to slow down the opposition for a few turns and TTar Prime Swings for enough damage for last few prizes IF the opposition isn't poisoned to KO.

I should also note that there are other elements at work here - classic SableDonk (1st turn Epert Belt, Special dark, over Confident) which is an OTK if opposition sets up with one active with 70 or less (like another sable eye)
Toxic Bat combo - Use Flash Bite repeatedly with Poketurns, poison with Toxic Fang and then switch out for Toxicroak G, or TTar Prime

-4 Darkness
-2 Power Spray
-2 Cyrus's Initive
- 1-1 Umbreon
- 1 Toxicroak
- 1 Honckrow G

+ Twins
+ Black Belt
+1 Azelf LA
+1 Poketurn
+2 Broken Time Space
RE: SableTar (a Sablelock Varient)

Okay, you don't need that many Unown DARK, you play 10 Darkness Energy anyway. This can work with Umbreon UD to stall while charging up the T-Tar on the Bench. You need to beef up your main attaker to at least 3-2-3, and Umbreon can be 2-2(Call For Family Eevee). No Spiritomb, you already have Sableye. 4 Poketurn is needed, and Switch might be better in this case. No Pokemon Circulator or Power Spray, it's gonna be hard to have 3 SP's on the Bench while trying to charge up mutiple T-Tars. Play at least 3 Rare Candy, and instead of 4 Cyrus's Initiative, try 4 Cyrus's Conspiracy. It will help for Dark Energy. Don't understand the Psychic, take out for another Collector and another rare candy. Hope I helped.
RE: SableTar (a Sablelock Varient) (Needs Division/Event and full Pokemon name)

thanks for the tips, but i play tested changes last night and didnt do so well... went 2-8 with proposed changes and 7-3 with the way the deck was initally... Psychic energy is used on Crobat G for Toxic fang, the single Spiritomb helps slow down decks like Vilegar, Donphan, and Garydos by slowing down Trainers.
RE: SableTar (a Sablelock Varient) (Needs Division/Event and full Pokemon name)

You only have 4 SP pokemon total in the deck. How often do you get out 3 of them and have Power Sprays to use? I would probably ditch them even though they go well with your strategy. I just can't see them being effective the way the deck is set up now.
RE: SableTar (a Sablelock Varient) (Needs Division/Event and full Pokemon name)

Crobat doesnt need to attack. It drops and gets picked up.
- 2 psychic
+ 2 SSU
It helps your draws with Uxie.
RE: SableTar (a Sablelock Varient) (Needs Division/Event and full Pokemon name)

@p8ntchucker7: Scince i last posted and play tested i added a Toxicroal G to back up the posion damage for crobat - and have been considering pulling out the Power sprays in favor of a 1-1 Umbreon UD (non-prime) to get around Donphan and other nasty primes in my area.

@Dark Sonic J: I am Horrbile with coin flips and most ppl in my area play huge primes and LV. Xs that have really high retreats. With Crobat G's free retreat i hit with Toxic Fang, let it get hit next turn for (most of the time) 60 damage, slide out TTar and splash everything non-dark while i knock of an additional 20 HP a turn, but i have been thinking about a Seeker or two - gotta see how the next round of play tests go with the current build: energy count has been dropped to 10 - 4 Special Dark, 2 Dark, 2 DCE, 2 Psychic - to combat the (rare tho still played in my area) chance that Kyogre & Groudon Legend becomes active - im already doing enough damage to my own bench without any help from the defending lol

Did have to say that lowering my Initive count was a good thing with my horrible luck, and gave be a bit more room to work with - i'll be able to test more later on today.
well got my deck tests in today after doing a bit more tweaking, and most of the time playing against slower decks to get a feel for what i can do, left me a bit unsure of what it can do in actual play...

First turn (ideal set up)
Sableye RR for impersonate, pokemon collector for Larvitar, 2 Crobat, or if i need energy, unown DARK

second turn
either bebe's into TTar Prime if rare candy is in my hand and set out 2 crobat or unown DARK - if the latter then start powering up with special Darkness
start powering up sableye for possible KOs and early damage, or impersonate another collector for a Honchkrow G for poketurns

did manage to get my hands on 2 BTS at league and another Poketurn, but the BTS's seem to be a hindrance more than a help

some how i seem to loose sight of what is actually being played, what i can do, and slow TTar Primes and seeing as this will be my first major tourney, if any one can point out some useful secondary strategies i may be missing.

New fixes to the deck are now up - 1 week till cities...