• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

    When posting in a thread, be sure to explain all your suggestions thoroughly. Additionally, do not ask for advice in another member's thread.



Aspiring Trainer
4 Sableye (DEX)
2 Absol (PLF)
1 Snorlax (PLS)
1 Darkrai EX (DEX)
1 Keldeo EX (BC)

3 N
3 Juniper
3 Skyla
1 Bianca
2 Shadow Triad
4 Ultra Ball
4 Hypnotoxic Lasers
4 Dark Patch
3 Pokemon Catcher
1 Computer Search
3 Dark Claw
2 Silver Bangle
1 Tool Scrapper
2 Virbank Gym
1 Random Reciever
1 Super Rod
1 Enhanced Hammer

8 Dark Energy

Remaining Spaces = 4

Okay, so for once, you're finally going to use Confuse Ray. I played this deck with my friend (I had 4 extra Dark Energy to replace the remaining spaces), and it worked quite well. This is how you would preferably use it.
Start with a Sableye, energy attached. Virbank out, then use a Laser. Attach Dark Claw, or Silver Bangle if an EX is defending, and attack for 30 (or 40), and then 30 more from poison. There is also a chance for sleep, and confusion, so it kinda screws them over if you successfully pull that off, and they don't run switch. Use Junk Hunt when you need to. The Darkrai is just for free retreat, and Absol as a back-up for Sableye. Snorlax and Keldeo used as per usual.

Something you could think about for the other four slots is 4 Deoxys EX, and having Team Plasma Badge instead of Dark Claw/Bangles.

Leave any suggestions :)