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Sacred Tide Dragon (Keldeo/Blastoise/Kyurem)


Aspiring Trainer
Well its been a while, the last time I posted being back when Next Destinies was new.

But in all fairness there hasn't been any real deck I've been super stoked for, besides Ho-oh, but I had a pretty solid build for that from day one. (2nd at Battle Roads and 4th at Regionals, Hellz yeah!)

But a deck that is getting alot of attention and a massive amount of hype at the moment is Keldeo, to the point where I believe the Ponies/Turtles and all their varints are going to become the Darkrai/Hydreigon of our next rotation.

Even so, I decided that, after pulling a full turtles line and a Keldeo EX at pre-release, I figured I'd take a shot at building myself a Ponies and Turtles deck with a twist.

By adding in Kyurem from Dragon Vault. :rolleyes:

Sacred Tide Dragon

2x Keldeo EX
3x Squirtle
1x Wartortle
3x Blastoise
2x Kyurem (Dragon Vault 21/20)

3x Cheren
3x Cilan
2x N
2x Skyla

3x Energy Search
2x Heavy Ball
2x Level Ball
3x Pokemon Catcher
2x Random Receiver
3x Rare Candy
3x Super Scoop Up
2x Switch
2x Ultra Ball

14x {W}
3x {P}

Okay, I'm well aware of just how weird this is. Not only do you lose an attacker in a 3rd Keldeo, but you also lose 3 {W} Energies to accomodate the {P}'s. In addition you have a much slower attacker that hits for less.

However, it makes a nice counter towards the odd deck's that run Virizion and of course the Battle Carnival and all of its variants.
Not only that but it hits for a potential T2 90 plus a spread of 10 to your opponents bench. Now while this isn't quite as good as Keldeo's T2 110+, it makes for a fair attacker in case you can't pull up your Keldeo by this point, that and it offers a pretty boss counter to Rayquazza, both EX and normal, OHKO'ing both of them with ease.

And of course you have all of your standard search cards to flood the field with Squirtle's.

Anyway, I'm pretty sure about the consistancy here, and the games I have tested it with have gone pretty well, but if you have any ideas or suggestions about how I could tweak it, I'm all ears.
Puff said:
Kyurem DV needs {P} to attack

I to had Kyurem in such a deck, but I ended up cutting him out for a quicker hitter. I noticed that if Blastoise wasn't out, at best Kyurem was a sacrifice to power up someone else on my bench, or to stall while I built up Blastoise. Just food for thought.
You know, I honestly like playing 1 Kyurem EX.
When your opponent gets a hot Mewtwo, I like to come up, discard a DCE then next turn step in and 110 it with the Keldeo.
Instead of them putting out more damage on my pokemon, with only 3 energies attached to my pokemon and discarding one of their DCEs.
I think that is a really nice play. Mewtwo from my observations can sometimes be a problem to this deck.

My input, GL.