Sadest Pokemon Moments?...

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Peach is staring into your soul
I've been thinking of what the most sad pokemon moments are, and this is what I came up with.

1.When ash was turned to stone and only through pikachu (and the other pokemon's) love, could he be turned back. (the first movie)
2.When ash tried to make pikachu leave him and stay behind with a group of wild pikachu. (I really did start to cry).
3.When ash released his butterfree.
4.When misty said goodbye in that song she sang.
5.When you were rejected by everyone and you had to flee (pokemon: Mystery dungeon)
6.When there was a pocher hunting ekans and koffing, and team rocket fought the hunter them selves, since Arbok and Weezing were too tired to fight. They ended getting their but wooped by tyranitar, but it was still sad when they made Arbok and Weezing leave to protect the other poched ekans and weezing.
7.When james had to leave Chimecho (I got really choked up)
8.When Max had to leave Jirachi
9.When Jessies doll was stollen by a jynx so it could fix, Jessie thought it was santa claus stealling her doll. That is why she hates christmas.
10.When Misty tells about her childhood in the princes doll tournement episode, and how she never got any dolls.

That is what I can think right now, if you want to coment or add one to the list, go on right ahead.
The SADDEST is either when Ash was turned to stone or Butterfree leaving because they replayed all the times Ash spent with Caterpie/Metapod and all the Pokemon cried when Ash became stone-like.
I can't remember the episode, but I cried after an episode once...
Anyways, one thats hasn't been meantioned yet was when Max had to leave Ralts, and at the end Ralts said in a sad voice "Will you come back for me..." and Max creid and cried and creid...So sad.
the saddest moment ever was when poor little mirage mew had to sacrifice his life to beat mirage mewtwo, POOR MEW :(:(:(:(:(
(in the master of mirage pokemon special)

that's all I can think of that hasn't been mentioned, :(, this thread makes me get emotional :p j/k :p
Arcanine 274 said:
When Primeape had to leave.  It wasn't that sad to me, but it's the saddest I can think of.

Arcanine out.

yeah, when primape had to leave was sad...:( i cryed when butterfree left... i hated that episode, it was so sad:(:(
saddest moment: when Mew and Mewtwo are fighting and they play "Brother my Brother", and cut to all the other pokemon fighting... I watched it the other day and nearly did cry.
I just thought some new ones.
When jessie shows her love for he wobbufett when it gets kidnapped by the guy who was a theif (I think he used a golem).
In battle frontier, the one where ash beats the pike queen lucy, brock falls in love with lucy, and she liked him too... (for once brock gets to have a love life).
When Max had to leave Jirachi... So sad... Tears came out of my eyes...
Another one is Latios....
And one more that hasen't been mentioned... Lucario... and Alan... So sad....
And the episode where you see abra's dream and his old master was a kid, and the psycic pokemon worked at the mine. You see the kid being drivin away in the back of a truck, with the abra running after him... :(:(
c'mon, butterfree ep was sad, but butterfree had a happy life and found love, be happy for him
in master of mirage pokemon MEW SACREFICED ITSELF, I can't belive nobody even mentioned this except for me :(
poor mew :(
something terrible happened to mew, but something wonderful happened to butterfree, why are you so emotional about butterfree but now about poor little mirage mew :(:(:(
In my opinion, there weren't really any sad Pokemon moments that I can think of. All of those "Pokemon leaving" episodes don't seem all that sad to me, nor was it sad when Ash turned to stone.
I think the saddest ones were when butterfree left, when pikachu almost left ash and when ash left charazard at the one valley. :( I almost cried.
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