DPPt/HGSS safariblade


Member: safariblade

My Player Thread

Trade Refs: +14

Positive: 14
Neutral: 0
Negitive: 0

People who made Trade Reps:
  • Electimortar
  • Forum Shark
  • AmazingPiplup
  • palkia dialga clash (2)
  • ShineVini (2)
  • Light Venusaur
  • SotH
  • Shaun
  • pokedude101
  • jboy
  • jangrafess
  • quatra

Battle Refs: +1

Positive: 1
Neutral: 0
Negitive: 0

People who made Battle Reps:
  • jboy

+1. Good trader, and quite patient through all of my power outages. xD Thanks.
+1.great trader gives me nice deals on trades.
ShineVini said:
Great Trader! +2

You need to wait 1 more day to rep safariblade again. Also you can only add 1 rep at a time with a 2 day space in-between each rep.
+1 Positive ref. I asked for one thing and ended up having two trades because he checked my thread for what I needed ^^ Was really fair too. Probably will trade with again