4-3-3-1 Salamence lv.X (2 AR, 1 SF)
2-2-2 Emboar (Fervid Dance)
2 Uxie LA
1 Azlef LA
2 Spiritomb AR
Water energy-6
Fire energy-6
Double Colorless-1
Broken Time-space-3
Professor Oak's New Theory-2
Bebe's Search-3
Pokemon collector-2
Palmer's Contribution-1
Rare Candy-3
Pokemon Communications-4
Research Record-3
Luxury Ball-1
strategy- emboar's fervid dance to power up salalmence and level up to gain salamence x's power to draw an additional prize, and fervid dance can re-stock salmence's attacks. palmer's and fisherman for energy retrieval, research records for sneaking a look at the top cards of my deck for energy that i can attach using salamence AR's top accelerator. this strategy is a fun to use strategy, and i got the idea from a friend
2-2-2 Emboar (Fervid Dance)
2 Uxie LA
1 Azlef LA
2 Spiritomb AR
Water energy-6
Fire energy-6
Double Colorless-1
Broken Time-space-3
Professor Oak's New Theory-2
Bebe's Search-3
Pokemon collector-2
Palmer's Contribution-1
Rare Candy-3
Pokemon Communications-4
Research Record-3
Luxury Ball-1
strategy- emboar's fervid dance to power up salalmence and level up to gain salamence x's power to draw an additional prize, and fervid dance can re-stock salmence's attacks. palmer's and fisherman for energy retrieval, research records for sneaking a look at the top cards of my deck for energy that i can attach using salamence AR's top accelerator. this strategy is a fun to use strategy, and i got the idea from a friend