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Standard Salazzle GX WIP Decklist


RIP Nessa 2023
Before I jump into my reasoning for building this deck, I'll start with the list.

Pokemon x19

Salazzle GX x3
Salazzle x1
Salandit x4
Lurantis x2
Fomantis x2
Octillery x2
Remoraid x2
Tapu Lele GX x3

Supporter x 13

Sycamore x3
N x4
Guzma x3
Brigette x1
Mallow x2/Kukui x2

Item x 18

Ultra Ball x4
Evosoda x3
Max Elixir x3
Choice Band x3
Float Stone x3
Field Blower x2

Energy x10

Fire Energy x10

I honestly see Salazzle GX as somewhat of an overlooked deck. Not saying that it clearly should belong in a meta tier list, but I think it has potential with where the meta is heading right now.

Reasons why I think Salazzle GX can put up a fight:

1. Against Stage 2 decks that need time to set up, Salazzle GX as a stage 1 with a 2 energy attack for 110 basically denies all set up Pokemon and Stage 1 mid evolutions. By KOing set up Pokemon like Diancie or Alolan Vulpix and KOing main attackers before they hit Stage 2, you can deny your opponent's set up while building up Diabolical Claws.

2. Metagross GX has kind of always been around, but with Gardevoir GX taking off, I expect to see even more. I think of Salazzle GX as a more efficient counter than Volcanion EX/Ho-oh GX which depend on Kiawe (sometimes) and need to be switching in order to attack per turn. Salazzle GX with a Choice Band or 1 benched Lurantis is simple back to back OHKOs.

3. The GX attack is fantastic against Gardevoir GX.

4. Golisopod GX will become a bit more popular for a while thanks to worlds.

5. Once you take 4 prizes, your damage becomes unstoppable.

Now as for the decklist itself..

1 non-GX Salazzle is there almost entirely to deal with Alolan Ninetales BUS. A benched Lurantis is OHKO. The evolve shenanigans might come into play every once in a while as well.

I would consider the Octillery line as standard in any deck nowadays and shouldn't need explaining.

Lurantis offers the ability to swing for 130 on anything which guarantees 2 hit KOs on all GXs and OHKOs on some chunkier non-GXes. Stack that with Choice Band and you're swinging 160. I have yet to decide if benching 2 Lurantis for +40 is an objective in this deck.

I'm currently undecisive about 2 Mallow vs 2 Kukui, or if I want either of them at all. Kukui + Lurantis + Choice Band = OHKO on any EX/GX with 180 HP or less. At the same time, Kukui robs your ability to Guzma for the target you want. Mallow is great at searching out anything you're needing thanks to Octillery and can increase the stability of play. I don't know if either are necessary.

Evosoda is, in my opinion, a must have in Stage 1 decks, especially since this deck does not (currently) have a supporter attacker to search for cards or Pokemon.

Max Elixir is here as pretty much the only method of energy acceleration I could think of. Charging up another GX on the bench gives you Guzma freedom. It also just makes sure you have another attacker ready go to in the worst case scenario. With 3 float stone you should be able to just pivot, but I honestly can't think of anything better to run. I don't think energy acceleration is mandatory in this deck, but it doesn't hurt (minus trashalanche) so it's here.

Everything else I consider to be standard.

I think the main problem with this deck is that it doesn't have a back up plan for if things don't go your way. I would appreciate any feedback.
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I definitely like the idea of utilizing Salazzle GX to be a main attacker, especially sweeping late game. The best pairing I have seen with Salazzle so far has been an aggro build with Ho-oh GX.
Your focus T1 would be to Lele into a Kiawe and put insnae pressure on you opponent to handle a Ho-oh with 4 energy attached. I prefer this style to ur monster line up mainly because in this one you only have 1 evolutionary line to worry about getting out, which makes it more effficent in my eyes and that the boost you get from Lurantis I feel isnt too significant with the fact you play choice band and as you stated you would OHKO decks like Metagross and golisopod. The deck below made top 16 I beleive. Since this is pre-rotation there are def changes needed and I would contemplate making it a 3-3 Salazzle GX line. Also, Ho-oh gives you a better matchup agasint Ninetales and greninja Break.
Very interesting build. I'll definitely have to consider the Ho-Oh GX since I think it's exactly what this deck needs to apply early game pressure with the ability to clean up late game with Salazzle GX.

I personally think moving forward, Octillery is still a must have in the deck, but the Lurantis does come in as questionable.

I will do some thinking and revise my list. Thanks for providing this reference.