Note that this is a deck from my friend who actually has Lele and N, not Lord Goomy.
He also says this is a "fun" deck.
Pokémon: 19
4x Salandit
4x Salazzle GX
3x Volcanion (Baby)
3x Fomantis
3x Lurantis (Promo)
2x Tapu Lele GX
Items: 16
4x Ultra Ball
4x VS Seeker
1x Professor's Letter
1x Field Blower
4x Choice Band
2x Float Stone
Supporters: 12
4x Professor Sycamore
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Professor KuKui
1x Brigette
1x Skyla
Stadiums: 3
3x Scorched Earth
Energy: 10
10x Fire Energy
%60 Win Volcanion
%10 Win Greninja
%50 Win Gardevoir
%80 Win Metagross
%80 Win Decidueye
%70 Win Decidueye Ninetales
%80 Win Drampa Varients
%65 Win Espeon Garbodor Varients
%80 Win Drampa Garbodor
%70 Win Tapu Koko
%50 Tapu Bulu Vikavolt
%30 Win Water Box
%20 Win Alolan Ninetales Varients (GX or not)
%65 Win Golisopod GX Zoroark
%30 Win Golisopod GX Promo Lurantis with non-GX Golisopod
These are based on the games my friend has played and how he remembers doing. He says they may be flawed, but he has won 18/23 matches on PTCGO.
The idea is to get out a Lele for Brigette turn 1, and getting out a total of 2 Salandit, 2 Fomantis, and a Volcanion Turn 2. If you can't, get out at least 2 Fomantis, a Salandit, and a Volc. This isn't hard given you'll start with one of those.
Turn 2 is mostly getting Volcanion to the Active spot and getting fire into the discard through Ultra Ball, Earth, and Sycamore. Also, try and get out your Evos out this turn.
Turn 3 is more acceleration to Salazzle and hopefully getting out all your Evos. Sometimes Volcanion dies and you have to attack this turn, but it works.
Turn 4 is taking your first pair of prizes (or second, depending on the last turn). This requires getting Volcanion to the bench if he didn't die. You can attack with salazzle for 180 depending on your board state.
The rest of the game is attack again for 180, die, then finish them off with 270.
The math: 2 Lurantis + Choice Band on Heat Blast is 180, 1HKO
On Power Heater 90, 2HKO.
1 Power Heater Turn 1 + Lurantis Choice Band Heat Blast is 180, 2HKO, or 200 if you got up a second Lurantis or had one out for the Power Heater. 2 Lurantis + Power Heater is 60, KO against Basics like Vulpix.
3 prizes taken + Diabolical Claws + Choice Band is 180, a OHKO.
4 prizes taken + Diabolical Claws + Choice Band is 230, OHKO on Gardevoir. Add a Lurantis and you have 250.
Deviations from the strategy:
If your opponent has a heavy threat that can one shot you, you GX attack is very powerful. It seems weak, but it has won me games. Example: When fighting a Gardevoir deck, it's Fairy-ly (ha-ha?) common to see one with 6 or 7 Energy on it, and if you've taken out their second Gardevoir, which is common and I've done it multiple times, you can GX to save yourself, then Guzma their Lele next turn for game. It sounds hard but I've done it at least 3 times. Example 2: in Volcanion, they often have 2 Volcanion EXs fully charged. In this scenario, they just killed a Salazzle, so what do you do? They have a Float Stone one the Active and one with Energy on the bench. You can kill the Active, kill the Benched, Guzma stall and kill one next turn, or do nothing. All four end in death. So you Guzma the benched, GX it, then Guzma the other one next turn for the KO. This has happened to me before. Example 3: When facing Water Box, they think they're win condition is Glaceon, even though anything is. It's a mind trick thing. It's happened to me. Anyway, what they do is set up they're Glaceons, and they try and lock you out of the game. However, your GX attack goes through the lock because it doesn't damage. The big problem with this is your opponent can attach an Energy and retreat into the other Glaceon to lock you up again. The big problem with your strategy here is that they can easily reaccelerate all the Energy you discarded in one turn. Instead, you can accelerate the Energy you have on to Lele, and once you have 4 and a Choice Band on it, you OHKO Glaceon.
He also says this is a "fun" deck.
Pokémon: 19
4x Salandit
4x Salazzle GX
3x Volcanion (Baby)
3x Fomantis
3x Lurantis (Promo)
2x Tapu Lele GX
Items: 16
4x Ultra Ball
4x VS Seeker
1x Professor's Letter
1x Field Blower
4x Choice Band
2x Float Stone
Supporters: 12
4x Professor Sycamore
3x N
2x Guzma
1x Professor KuKui
1x Brigette
1x Skyla
Stadiums: 3
3x Scorched Earth
Energy: 10
10x Fire Energy
%60 Win Volcanion
%10 Win Greninja
%50 Win Gardevoir
%80 Win Metagross
%80 Win Decidueye
%70 Win Decidueye Ninetales
%80 Win Drampa Varients
%65 Win Espeon Garbodor Varients
%80 Win Drampa Garbodor
%70 Win Tapu Koko
%50 Tapu Bulu Vikavolt
%30 Win Water Box
%20 Win Alolan Ninetales Varients (GX or not)
%65 Win Golisopod GX Zoroark
%30 Win Golisopod GX Promo Lurantis with non-GX Golisopod
These are based on the games my friend has played and how he remembers doing. He says they may be flawed, but he has won 18/23 matches on PTCGO.
The idea is to get out a Lele for Brigette turn 1, and getting out a total of 2 Salandit, 2 Fomantis, and a Volcanion Turn 2. If you can't, get out at least 2 Fomantis, a Salandit, and a Volc. This isn't hard given you'll start with one of those.
Turn 2 is mostly getting Volcanion to the Active spot and getting fire into the discard through Ultra Ball, Earth, and Sycamore. Also, try and get out your Evos out this turn.
Turn 3 is more acceleration to Salazzle and hopefully getting out all your Evos. Sometimes Volcanion dies and you have to attack this turn, but it works.
Turn 4 is taking your first pair of prizes (or second, depending on the last turn). This requires getting Volcanion to the bench if he didn't die. You can attack with salazzle for 180 depending on your board state.
The rest of the game is attack again for 180, die, then finish them off with 270.
The math: 2 Lurantis + Choice Band on Heat Blast is 180, 1HKO
On Power Heater 90, 2HKO.
1 Power Heater Turn 1 + Lurantis Choice Band Heat Blast is 180, 2HKO, or 200 if you got up a second Lurantis or had one out for the Power Heater. 2 Lurantis + Power Heater is 60, KO against Basics like Vulpix.
3 prizes taken + Diabolical Claws + Choice Band is 180, a OHKO.
4 prizes taken + Diabolical Claws + Choice Band is 230, OHKO on Gardevoir. Add a Lurantis and you have 250.
Deviations from the strategy:
If your opponent has a heavy threat that can one shot you, you GX attack is very powerful. It seems weak, but it has won me games. Example: When fighting a Gardevoir deck, it's Fairy-ly (ha-ha?) common to see one with 6 or 7 Energy on it, and if you've taken out their second Gardevoir, which is common and I've done it multiple times, you can GX to save yourself, then Guzma their Lele next turn for game. It sounds hard but I've done it at least 3 times. Example 2: in Volcanion, they often have 2 Volcanion EXs fully charged. In this scenario, they just killed a Salazzle, so what do you do? They have a Float Stone one the Active and one with Energy on the bench. You can kill the Active, kill the Benched, Guzma stall and kill one next turn, or do nothing. All four end in death. So you Guzma the benched, GX it, then Guzma the other one next turn for the KO. This has happened to me before. Example 3: When facing Water Box, they think they're win condition is Glaceon, even though anything is. It's a mind trick thing. It's happened to me. Anyway, what they do is set up they're Glaceons, and they try and lock you out of the game. However, your GX attack goes through the lock because it doesn't damage. The big problem with this is your opponent can attach an Energy and retreat into the other Glaceon to lock you up again. The big problem with your strategy here is that they can easily reaccelerate all the Energy you discarded in one turn. Instead, you can accelerate the Energy you have on to Lele, and once you have 4 and a Choice Band on it, you OHKO Glaceon.
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