• When creating a thread in the Deck Garage, make sure that you post one deck per thread, you use the correct prefix, you have the set name/card number next to each card, you give a strategy for non-metagame decks, and give translations for all cards not available in English.

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Samurai Jack: Samurott Makes His Triumphant Return!


Poor College Student
Hey all, and welcome to this month's installment of "Regi makes a weird deck." I, like many of today's players, instantly saw the homage to the old deck "Rain Dance" which used Blastoise from Base Set to power up energies, and sweep your opponent for all of your prizes in Keldeo EX when Boundaries Crossed was revealed. Also, like many of you, I saw the dollar signs in the air flying around as Keldeo EX's price skyrocketed, and only very slowly descended to reasonable prices. In an effort to save my wallet from being purged of its contents, I wanted to make a deck that followed a similar theme to the quite common Keldeo/Blastoise deck, but at almost none of the price. My solution winked quietly at me in the new set Plasma Storm, in the form of Manaphy. This gave me my much needed water acceleration, without the stage 2 draw backs of blastoise. I liked that, as it let me pick a stage 2 for another purpose. I looked Through every set we had in the format, for a decent water type stage 2 pokemon, looking at all the different Vanilluxes we have and saying "yeah... right..." until I finally made my way back to Black and White Base Set, and Samurott 32. I decided at that point that this will be my next strange deck with a possibility of a few wins, so I set to work. Here's what I came up with:

4-0-4 Samurott
3 Manaphy
1 Victini (Victory Star)
1 Keldeo EX

14 Water Energy

4 Professor Juniper
4 N
4 Skyla
2 Bianca
4 Rare Candy
3 Ultra Ball
4 Level Ball
4 Pokemon Catcher
2 Switch
1 Super Rod
1 Tool Scrapper

The strategy of this deck is to hopefully start with a Manaphy, and start searching with all of my search cards for Oshawotts and Samurotts, discarding water energies with the Ultra Balls. After that, use Manaphy's attack, in conjunction with Victini's Victory Star ability to accelerate water energies onto my benched Oshawotts and Samurotts. The Keldeo is there for it's rush in ability, and as an alternate attacker. The Manaphys continue to be helpful later, as if they are knocked out by an attack, I am allowed to search my deck for any one card and add it to my hand, thus eliminating the need for Computer Search in this deck.

One of the things I am having trouble with is deciding which ACE SPEC I should use, if any. It would be easy to swap out a Skyla for one, but I don't have any idea what to use. Suggestions? Criticism? Comments? All welcome. Thanks for your time!

Regirocket's Blasting Off Again!
You know the regular Keldeo from BCR does the same thing as Samurott pretty much except that its better
exdarkrai01 said:
You know the regular Keldeo from BCR does the same thing as Samurott pretty much except that its better
While the Keldeo from BCR might do similar damage, it has trouble staying in play with its low hp, which is why I liked Samurott so much for this. It already has decent hp, and the ability helps a lot. I haven't had much chance to test this deck (been busy studying for mid-terms and finals), but I'll test both ways to see if the added hp and ability of Samurott is worth the extra turn or two of set up. Thanks for that idea though.
But even though Keldeo has less HP it's a Basic instead of a Stage 2. You could put an Eviolite on Keldeo I guess.