19 Pokemon
4 Gligar (ud)
3 Gliscor (la)
1 Gliscor lv. X (la)
2 Spiritomb (ar)
2 Doduo (ud)
1 Dodrio (ud)
2 Azelf (la)
1 Unown ? (la)
1 Ditto (ul)
2 Unown Q (md)
41 Trainers
1 Looker's Investigation
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Dual Ball
1 Full Heal
4 Broken Time-Space
1 Switch
2 Quick Ball
2 Luxury Ball
1 Bench Shield
2 Premier Ball
1 Judge
3 Lucky Egg
1 Pokegear
1 Poke Ball
2 Proffesor Oak's Visit
1 Great Ball
1 Pokemon Circulator
1 Good Rod
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Twins
1 Full Heal
1 Seeker
1 Super Scoop Up
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Proffesor Oak's New Theory
Strategy: The focus of this deck is to get Gliscor Lv. X out with a Gliscor on the bench. Why? Gliscor lv.x has a pokebody that paralyzes and posions the defending pokemon when I put gliscor from my hand to my bench. Gliscor has an attack for no energy where you choose posion or burn. You then have the option of bringing Gliscor to your hand. So, the defending pokemon is paralyzed, burned, and posioned. The next turn, I repeat. You may be wondering what's stopping the opponent from using full heal or something. That's where spiritomb comes in. It's pokebody prevents both trainers from playing trainer cards. The other pokemon are mostly for support, like dodrio's retreat aid. Bts allows this strategy to happen. Please leave your constructive criticism below.
4 Gligar (ud)
3 Gliscor (la)
1 Gliscor lv. X (la)
2 Spiritomb (ar)
2 Doduo (ud)
1 Dodrio (ud)
2 Azelf (la)
1 Unown ? (la)
1 Ditto (ul)
2 Unown Q (md)
41 Trainers
1 Looker's Investigation
3 Pokemon Communication
2 Dual Ball
1 Full Heal
4 Broken Time-Space
1 Switch
2 Quick Ball
2 Luxury Ball
1 Bench Shield
2 Premier Ball
1 Judge
3 Lucky Egg
1 Pokegear
1 Poke Ball
2 Proffesor Oak's Visit
1 Great Ball
1 Pokemon Circulator
1 Good Rod
3 Bebe's Search
2 Pokemon Collector
1 Twins
1 Full Heal
1 Seeker
1 Super Scoop Up
1 Team Rocket's Trickery
1 Proffesor Oak's New Theory
Strategy: The focus of this deck is to get Gliscor Lv. X out with a Gliscor on the bench. Why? Gliscor lv.x has a pokebody that paralyzes and posions the defending pokemon when I put gliscor from my hand to my bench. Gliscor has an attack for no energy where you choose posion or burn. You then have the option of bringing Gliscor to your hand. So, the defending pokemon is paralyzed, burned, and posioned. The next turn, I repeat. You may be wondering what's stopping the opponent from using full heal or something. That's where spiritomb comes in. It's pokebody prevents both trainers from playing trainer cards. The other pokemon are mostly for support, like dodrio's retreat aid. Bts allows this strategy to happen. Please leave your constructive criticism below.