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Sandstorm Tyranny for BR for master


JusT WatChING tHE mOOn
Sandstorm Tyranny for BR

4-3-4 T-tar( pupitar sf, 2 x prime T-tar & 2 x sf)
2-2 Donphan prime
1-0-1 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Umbreon UD normal
2-2 Gliscor UD
2 Uxix LA
2 Spritomb/Sableye

Trainer= 19
1 pokemon collector
2 Bebe
2 Engineer Adjustment
2 Lucian
1 Palmer
2 Pokemon communicator
1 Warp Point
2 Rare Candy
2 Energy Exchanger

Energy= 12
4 Sp Darkness
2 Darkness
4 Fighting

My game play is to get spirtomb out and set up T-tar
Donphan is for early attacker.
Gliscor is to paralyze Pokémon that have no damage and kill it with poison jab.
Umbreon is defend from Pokémon with poke-power and body.

Any suggestion to improve it for BR?
RE: Sandstorm Tyranny for BR

Gliscor and Donphan have no place in this deck. By adding more pokemon you're reducing the consistency of your deck and T-tar isn't the fastest deck around.

-2-2 Gliscor UD
-2-2 Donphan prime
-4 {F} Energy
-2 Engineer Adjustment

+2 DCE
+2 {D} Basic
+2 Rare Candy
+2 Broken Time-Space
+2 Pokemon Collector
+2 Bebe's Search
+1 Sableye/Spiritomb (Whichever one you choose in the end be sure to play 3 of them)
+1 Unown Q (allows you retreat Sableye/Spiritomb without using an energy)
RE: Sandstorm Tyranny for BR

so that mean just focus of t-tar only and set up the nidoqueen for heal?
RE: Sandstorm Tyranny for BR

Yes. don't try to incorporate too many unnecessary things or else you'll end up doing yourself no good.
ok..how about counter for fighting Pokémon( mostly donphan and macamp) this during first few turn?
Well for Donphan you have Umbreon UD to wall forcing then to use Phanpy which shouldn't deal too much damage. As for Machamp there isn't much you can do but the match-up is varies based on the build (Whether they run DCE or not). If anything you can trying putting in 1 {P} energy to try and attack with Nidoqueen to hit for weakness. If you want to do that then

-1-1-1 T-tar SF (So it would be 2 prime, 1 SF)

+1 {P} energy
+2 Expert Belt (A general staple in most heavy hitter decks)
Brand New Sandstorm tyranny

3-2-3 T-tar( pupitar sf, 2 x prime T-tar & 1 x sf)
1-0-1 Nidoqueen RR
2-2 Umbreon UD normal
1 Unown Q
2 Uxix LA
3 Spritomb/Sableye

Trainer= 25
3 pokemon collector
3 Bebe

2 Lucian
1 Palmer
2 Pokemon communicator
2 Warp Point
4 Rare Candy

2 Energy Exchanger
2 Broken Time-Space
2 Expert Belt
2 Pokémon Reversal

Energy= 13
4 Sp {D}
4 {C}{C}
4 {D}
1 {P}

total 60

Updated is in BLUE
I also run a tyranitar deck this deck looks as good as mine. I like running SABLEYE much moe than spiritomb.
-1 bebes search
+1 warp point
ok then the 2 empty slot is for 2x reversal....

more comment....i dont think is perfect yet ppl...
Hey i just remember that vileplume stops trainers and reversals are trainers oops... so....
+1-1-1 metagross LA (its works as a reversal every turn!)
-2 pokemon reversal
-1 bebes search
Adding another stage 2 line just isn't worth it just to partially get around trainer lock. Even if you can't drag things up, it isn't a big loss, plus this deck isn't trainer dependant so trainer lock doesn't hurt you that much.
ya.. I dont think that adding another 1 line of stage 2 will help this deck....
I know it would be a proble for viletomb if this deck unable to set fast before it full force...

so could there another way around it....
Im re-considering Pokémon reversal over unown "D".
Pokémon reversal need to flip and chance are 50%
as for Unown "D" is able to get me a darkness energy.

What you guys think should i change or stay or something even better?