RE: Scattered mind's Trade Thread**Special Shiny Scizor Giveaway*Shiny competitive Pokemon*Rare Items*Cloning*Hidden Power Fire Pokemon **New: Shiny Defiant Pawniard with egg moves
I'm interested in the pawniard. Anything I list has a perfect 5 iv spread. Other natures can be requested. I can breed rotom (bold), porygon (bold/modest download/trace for either), shelder with icicle spear rock blast adamant, haze disable gastly timid, stealth rock brave bird whirlwind roost skarmory, toxic spikes bestow timid froakie, giga drain nil bulbasaur bold, impish intimidate growlithe with morning sun, close combat, flare blitz, crunch, curse yawn double edge avalanche Mudkip, baton pass venonat timid, head smash curse stealth rock iron head Aron impish, spikes rollout disable snorunt, timid flash fire houndoor with reversal counter d bond sucker punch, adamant Marill with super power belly drum aqua jet, synthesis curse quick guard spikes bulletproof impish chespin. I have more if nothing interests you just let me know. Sorry for the terrible formatting used my phone
Also interested in beldum if you have multiple requests