the purpose of this post is to get suggestions on how to make this deck more versatile with the trainers.
I only use this deck for fun so it doesn't have to be "legal"
Pokemon: (22)
Trainers: (26)
So the main idea is to set up Sceptile EX and Ariados so I can hit my opponent with Unseen Claw and to deal poison damage on top of Sceptile EX. Later in the game I'm using Vespiquen as I should have a fair amount of Pokemon in the discard. I also have a Pokemon with an ability in order to find the correct energy for my Pokemon.
I'm looking for help with trainers mostly,also I'm fine with swapping out the Typhlosion line as a rarely see it in a game from the start.
I'd like to keep the Battle Compressors for discard ability when I'm using Vespiquen
and Trick Coin is useful for Vespiquen's Bee Drain.
I only use this deck for fun so it doesn't have to be "legal"
Pokemon: (22)
- Sceptile EX
- Spinarak (2)
- Ariados (2)
- Vespiquen 10/98
- Vespiquen 11/98
- Combee (2)
- Keldeo EX
- Emboar EX
- Heatmor
- Numel
- Camerupt
- Cyndaquil
- Quilava
- Typhlosion
- Pansear
- Simisear
- Smeargle
- Dodou
- Dodrio
Trainers: (26)
- Misty's Determination
- Skyla
- Shauna
- Giovanni's Scheme
- Professor Sycamore
- Wally(2)
- Tierno(2)
- Super Rod
- Roller Skates
- Wide Lens
- Max Elixir
- Trick Coin
- Potion(2)
- Computer Search
- Battle Compressor(3)
- Professor Letter(4)
- Fighting Fury Belt(2)
- Water Energy (4)
- Fire Energy (4)
- Grass Energy (4)
So the main idea is to set up Sceptile EX and Ariados so I can hit my opponent with Unseen Claw and to deal poison damage on top of Sceptile EX. Later in the game I'm using Vespiquen as I should have a fair amount of Pokemon in the discard. I also have a Pokemon with an ability in order to find the correct energy for my Pokemon.
I'm looking for help with trainers mostly,also I'm fine with swapping out the Typhlosion line as a rarely see it in a game from the start.
I'd like to keep the Battle Compressors for discard ability when I'm using Vespiquen
and Trick Coin is useful for Vespiquen's Bee Drain.