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Expanded Sceptile EX / Seismitoad EX / Crobat


Aspiring Trainer
Pokemon: 16
  • 4 Zubat (Plasma Storm #53)
  • 3 Golbat (Phantom Forces)
  • 2 Crobat (Phantom Forces)
  • 3 Sceptile EX
  • 2 Seismitoad EX
  • 1 Virizion EX
  • 1 Shaymin EX (Roaring Skies)
Trainers/Supporters/Stadiums: 35
  • 2 Muscle Band
  • 2 Float Stone
  • 2 Head Ringer
  • 4 Hypnotoxic Laser
  • 3 Ultra Ball
  • 3 VS Seeker
  • 1 Super Rod
  • 1 Tool Scrapper
  • 1 Enhanced Hammer
  • 1 Shadow Triad
  • 3 Professor Juniper
  • 4 N
  • 2 Lysandre
  • 1 Colress
  • 1 AZ
  • 1 Shadow Triad
  • 3 Virbank City
Energy: 9
  • 6 Grass Energy
  • 3 Double Colorless Energy

The main strategy behind this deck is to inflict poison with Hypnotoxic Laser in order to power up Sceptile EX's Unseen Claw. In conjunction with Virbank and a Muscle Band, Sceptile-Ex will deal 180 damage total within a single attack (150 on the initial strike + 30 via Poison damage under Virbank Stadium), enough to OHKO the traditional Ex.

In the event that I can't set up Virbank, equip Muscle Band on Sceptile EX, or are facing Mega Evolutions, the Crobat line is there to make up the difference with chip damage via Sneaky Bite and Surprise Bite. The Crobat line also functions as my last resort in the event that I have to go against Pyroar (Flashfire) or Safeguard users.

If I don't have Sceptile EX available as an early option, this deck also includes Seismitoad-Ex. Since I'm already stockpiling damage with Poison and Golbat/Crobat, Seismitoad-Ex functions as a more reliable source of damage and a more defensive option through Item Lock via Quaking Punch. The Double Colorless Energies used to power Quaking Punch also provide an alternative means of powering Unseen Claw when Head Ringer is a factor.
Looks solid. Why not run a Hex Maniac? You can just one shot pyroar with Sceptile or Toad/Bat after a Hex Maniac. It doesn't slow down your Bats or Virizion either.
Wouldn't want to try ariados in place of bats? Poison damage every turn seems pretty great. Making lasers just for sleep flips.
Wouldn't want to try ariados in place of bats? Poison damage every turn seems pretty great. Making lasers just for sleep flips.

So here's the advantages of Ariados:
  • Free Poison: It's a nice little add on to grass decks since they're a stage one and easy to do with GPF.
  • Synergy: It does sync well with cards like Virbank City Gym and Giant Plant Forest. Another option is Virizion and Ariados. Simply by adding a grass energy, you're basically covered any Pokémon you have that isn't a grass type that could be inflicted by Ariados.
  • Low retreat cost: For one energy, you can swap Ariados away if you start out with it.
  • Prizes: Your opponent takes only one
Here's some cons about it now:
  • Mediocre Attack: It requires 2 energy for 30 damage and your opponent doesn't need to retreat. With that said, why would your opponent retreat?
  • It has a retreat cost: Even a low energy retreat cost can be potentially bad depending what your focus is.
  • Evolution: While it does synch with Virbank, without GPF, you're required to wait a turn to evolve it so it can be crucial early on to evolve it to get that quick damage.
  • Situational: Ariados is a great card, but can be very situational. It can be very finicky depending on your deck list. True poison damage is great, but is the slots worth it?
With that said here's what I feel about Bats compared to Ariados. If you're playing more aggressive, Bats are the way to go. If you're focusing on locking, semi-stall, or any passive aggressive decks, Ariados maybe the way to go. In this case, Bats work better because Hypnotoxic Laser is already there, running Ariados too would probably make the deck to clunky to run properly. You'd most likely run in to damage output issues with this deck compared to Bat's. He's more opt to spreading damage in order to get quick concessive OHKO's back to back. Bat's also can still do damage for a quick colorless energy to any Pokémon you want compared to Ariado's 2 energy attack and the more possible easy OHKO without retaliation. He maybe item locking early, but Bat's provide more coverage than Ariados naturally and have free retreat.

If anything , I could see replacing the Enhanced Hammer since you're only running one if you ever need something else more important like VS Seeker or a Muscle Band. Otherwise, I like the deck an I think it's really great idea. I'd like to know how well it worked out for you.
^ Adding on to that, the attack and retreat costs aren't that big of a deal because Ariados isn't meant to be the main attacker, and one retreat is doable while not ideal. Another thing I would worry about Ariados is that its Ability is useless against other Grass Pokemon. This can make Vespiquen a pain to deal with, despite its low HP. You'd need at least one bat to OHKO, which thankfully isn't too much to ask for consistently.